I'll Help

My mom is moving in with us
We decided since we are both stupid in debt if she moves she can save money and I can get rent woohoo!
So we are cleaning things out of my house to make room for her
While loading truck I fell off porch and did this..

It's not broken but I did tear a tendon or something
Same foot I put the toothpick in earlier this year
This is what it looks like now

Everyone at work said she pushed me off the porch because I was after her pension

Anyway needless to say since I am now all gimpified she is helping me more than I was helping her
Guess everyone else will have to help her move hehe


  1. its true i saw her push you lol poor mom

    hope that you feel better soon

  2. I hope that your tendon heals fast. It is great that you and your Mom can help each other out!

  3. OH geez, that's awful! I'm glad she'll be there to help you in your gimpified state now though.


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