
Showing posts with the label diva


So I am broke again Big suprise Actually was a couple unexpected expenses this time The daughter needed some money to make rent It was that or let them move in OMG here is some money! Kid I kid I love my kids They could move in if they had too we wouldnt mind. That is what family is for right? Then I got the cat declawed as she thinks its fun to scratch me and watch me bleed I also got her spaded because I use to watch the Price is Right What is it with prices now? I am always under bidding and Drew Cary lost all that weight but his head is still huge? Yet another reason I shouldnt lose too much weight I dont want to look like a bobble head! Anywho .....that cost a bit more then I thought it would so came up short No worries I will sell my treasures I went to sell my xbox and my Son in law said I could get more for it at Gamestop Yay Cash and GO Then I found out that the cord that came with it is some jacked up piece of crap that is slowly killing it and they wont b...

Summer Fun

So right after my post stopping blogging and enjoying summer I thought I would share my own summer fun We bought one of those blow up pools like this It's not quite level so bit lop sided Actually I went to sit down in the other day and misjudged my big urm size and sat on side Water started gushing out Luckily with my quick thinking I flipped over to my knees and saved the day Gamma who was in the pool at time said I was chanting OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO She was no help She was laughing so hard she got wrapped up in her swim noodles These things You see its so hot and we didnt put the pool up until July so all the stores are out of rafts We discovered (clever me) that if you take three of these noodles you can almost float one under head one under middle one under knees Yes Three years ago I was lounging around in Mexico in a resort like this Now I am floating on noodles in a blow up pool that may or may not collapse due to my arse size Life IS really a journ...

No Lectures please

I am a smoker So lets get all this out of way Yes its bad for me Yes its bad for those who love me Yes I should quit Yes it is gross MM kay I know that ok I am also fat you wanna lecture me on that too That isnt what this post is about Its about OMG We bought a cig roller LOL Cranking out our own cigs You can buy tobacco filter cig tubes make a carton of cigs for like 9 bucks Holy Crap Thats like saving 35 a carton and since hubby smokes too and we go through say 3 a week thats like oodles of money What should I buy with my new found funds Maybe alcohol and drugs HAHA I kid kinda Anyway no lectures please you will just make me want to smoke more and eat faster

No One Wants to Talk to YOU

So my mom went to CVS and saw two women she use to work with She hurried and ducked down another aisle  Thinking I hope they didnt see me But then she turned down the next aisle came right up on them and heard one say God I hope she didnt see us The other one said Yah I know So my Mom did just what I would have done  and said HI HOW ARE YOU hahaha  so funny 

What have you been doing?

What have I been doing? Working mainly My daughter is pregnant so I have been stalking ebay for deals I bought her 274 new born diapers for a stupid low price I also found her a 299 breast pump that works for 55$ yah baby I sniped that deal My mom found a garage sale and went to it before they opened to get a high chair real cheap And her best friend my other daughter Kayla got us a deal on tons of clothes and a car seat for only  10 dollars I got my new xbox so that addiction has been satisfied  hmm lets see what else oh I updated my facebook profile I couldnt help myself makes me laugh Wonder if it says much about me We got a kitten Sophie  She is gorgous and full of P and Vinager But very sweet I promise to try and blog more faithful readers at least twice a week Look I even set a recurring event on my iphone so now we know it is going to happen Oh yah and I beat ANGRY BIRDS Woot What  have you all been up too  PS My daughter and her talanted husband are host...


My used xbox died 3 rings of death they call it Thats really a myth that is one and same error its just a general error when your xbox has a hardware failure Kind of like the blue screen on a pc Who knows what is wrong with it The problem is it is out of warranty so 119 for a fix or 159 for a new smaller harddrive one So I bought a new one and sad to say I am like going nuts  I watch Netflix, Hulu, Zune, play silly games evidently all the time I am bored on my days off Yes I know I could go somewhere do something But The sun is still being held hostage somewhere and its raining all the time Besides i am broke because I just bought a new xbox HAHA

Just Blog Already

I dont know what it is about blogging If I dont have something I think the whole world will find HILARIOUS I dont bother We have had rain here for a solid month No sun I am going bonkers I got over my man cold but then hubby had it so it was the man flu  Then mom had to one up me and get it but hers turned into pneumonia I was working so hubby ran her to ER and now he goes around saying I saved Gammas life! Yes honey yes you did She is on meds now though so hopefully she gets better My daughter is going through major life stresses economically wise I do my Scarlett thing Fiddle Dee Dee it be better think about it tomorrow Work is going well I got a promotion and new duties and really like it We are getting a new cat She is like two weeks old now just waiting for her to be old enough to come home Its a calico and the owner says its a boy but only one in 3000 calicos is a male So I dont know  I hope it is a boy We are going to name it Gomer if it is I dont know wh...

Signs of Overwork

I work too many hours  Too many jobs  Thankfully they are work at home But the fall out of that is I dont drive my beautiful love of my life my Audi My true love In December she wouldnt start because she had sat so long I havent gotten gas since October LOL Anywho I drove her today She was out of gas She was on E I promised her that she could have premium gas Even if it was 4.20 a gallon But I barely put six gallons in and started clicking off What the heck The gas gauge must be broke Oh no I squeezed off as much as I could But oh noooooo The gas gauge doesnt work  My poor baby But then.......... I got in and noticed I was looking at the temp.  gauge I guess she was cold. hahahahaha I am such a dumb arse

Man Flu

I am sick I think I have the flu But I never get sick So I am being a big baby I think I dont just have the flu I think I have the man flu like this

New Frontiers

I have always been conscious of the fashion world Is this in style? Does this fit right? Are my shoes shiny or scuffed? Do I have a run in my pantyhose? That lady has a fake Gucci bag. Who does she think she is fooling? But working at home I am all do my pajamas match Should I wear a bra? So going out is a bit more challenging I have to find real clothes For the real world Didn’t I use to have a lot of them? Where did they go? Oh right I grew out of them Not that my taste has changed because I have matured but that I really grew out of them because my arse is bigger. Anywho Since I am getting old and going to doc more than before, either from me stepping on TOOTHPICKS or going with mom I have become fashionably aware of medical aids She has a nice wheelchair That’s a nice cane look you can sit on it Wow look his cast it is blue When I had to use crutches to go to doc after TOOTHPICK incident I was so proud of myself that I had a pair. Thrown in storage for years ...


When you call customer support And they ask you to do a survey Or email you one Complain all you want about the policy of company But if your agent was nice And she is just delivering a hard message Make a note of that too... Better yet you can ask to talk to a superverisor and tell them what an awesome agent you had For us little people Who have to sit through one on ones With our boss and listen to how our surveys suck Because we cant help the customer Because we are not magical Just saying!


Again? Snow sleet Ice Its driving me crazy! I need to see some sunshine soon

Shut up and Blog

Ive noticed something. When something interesting happens to ME, my friends and family ask me if I am going to blog about it And I am all like um no I am telling you about it now You should blog about it blink blink Is this a new way to say shut up just write it down and I will read it later Or maybe they like the way I blog things and find it amusing Maybe the story is so freaking fantastic they think i should write it and share it with the WORLD Oh no Could it be my blog is boring and they are making suggestions That would be a much better story then the crap you normally blog about. Either way Per request The Toothpick I stepped on a toothpick Well really I lumbered my big arse down the stairs a toothpick was stuck on rug standing straight up and I impaled my foot on a toothpick I promptly was all WTH and lots of cussing Since half of it was sticking out of my foot I tried to pry it out with my hand No go Then I used tweezers It was in there too deep wouldnt b...

Deja Vu

I was going to post about how depressed I am with this winter weather But I found the post I did around this time last year And its all covered in that one.... So if you want to know how I am feeling I refer you to this post Ditto

Kid at Heart

We have an xbox The only multiplayer game I have that I enjoy is Castle Crashers If my daughter wont take pity on me I go xbox live for a quick match With other players They are all like 8 or 9 years old and a higher level than I am They also think my name is tommy because of the font rather than tammy I pretend i dont have a mic so they will keep playing with me and not think I am creepy Sometimes they still wont play with me LOL Maybe I should just stick with farmville or something

Handy Part 2

I have married a handy man Of course my house The gutters are falling down I have a quilt nailed over my window because he hasn't gotten around to putting plastic up That is neither here nor there I also have a can in my kitchen cabinet  that if you move it the shelf will fall down That's me being handy Any whooo I am getting off subject I love the pediegg Have you ladies seen this? This is not a shameless plug I do love it The thing is I saw one the other day with a handle I was moaning to hubby how I almost bought it but it was 20 bucks He was all like why don't you just cross your legs? Men I said it is easier to reach with a handle. Then he is all  Don't you have one in the bathroom with a handle? And I am all like Yes,but it isnot a pedi egg it is just a file. So a little later on................. He comes in with this With a big grin on his face. Oh yes he did! Believe it or not, it works quite well. He is handy! Don't you all b...

This is my life

LOL I do a bit of customer support and saw this the other day omg So funny

Charmed life

I once posted on facebook how depressing it is to read everyone moan and whine on their status updates and encouraged them to try and have a positive outlook One of my facebook friends promptly replied how not everyone has  A CHARMED LIFE LIKE I DO! This caused a whole long comment thread on how my life does suck but I am not one to moan complain bitch cry or update facebook friends on every mediocre mundane difficulty as it happens. My daughter said yes her life sucks she just has her head up her ARSE HAHA Maybe so And I also fart rainbows Thank goodness someone made a  cartoon of this wonderful action I encourage you all to try it I mean really Doesnt that look like more fun ;)

Happy New Years

For a list of my new years resolutions see last year or the year before or the one before that You get the idea..............

Christmas Cards

I havent mailed out Christmas Cards in years I also oddly enough havent gotten any in the last two years But I think this video kind of sums up my whole feelings on the card swapping tradition And no dear internet I am not a Scrooge. I actually like Christmas a lot I just like to have a laugh and dont take it all too seriously