So I am broke again Big suprise Actually was a couple unexpected expenses this time The daughter needed some money to make rent It was that or let them move in OMG here is some money! Kid I kid I love my kids They could move in if they had too we wouldnt mind. That is what family is for right? Then I got the cat declawed as she thinks its fun to scratch me and watch me bleed I also got her spaded because I use to watch the Price is Right What is it with prices now? I am always under bidding and Drew Cary lost all that weight but his head is still huge? Yet another reason I shouldnt lose too much weight I dont want to look like a bobble head! Anywho .....that cost a bit more then I thought it would so came up short No worries I will sell my treasures I went to sell my xbox and my Son in law said I could get more for it at Gamestop Yay Cash and GO Then I found out that the cord that came with it is some jacked up piece of crap that is slowly killing it and they wont b...