Regifting Contest!

I have decided to hold a contest!
If you enter and win you get this lovely thing.
A 80gb Hi Speed USB 2 80gb external disk drive.
Super duper thin and cool!

Here is the product description:

Get stylish, compact, portable storage with the Little Disk, Design by Sam Hecht. Easily carry your photos, music, videos and files on this petite mobile solution. Designed exclusively for LaCie by Sam Hecht, it has a high-gloss, black elegance with clean, simple lines and comes with a removable protective cap. The integrated, extractable USB cable pulls out and retracts so it can never be lost or forgotten. The LaCieSync software allows you to bring your important data with you safely. Just plug the Little Disk into any PC to access and modify your files, emails (Microsoft Outlook) or personal settings and it will sync updated data back to your computer with AES 128-bit encryption (Windows only).

Yes I am regifting
Shhhh dont tell anyone internet.

You can have up to FIVE chances to enter.
Entry #1: Post a comment on this entry telling me what things you have regifted. Or the silliest worst gift you have received.
Entry #2: Subscribe to ME by Subscribe to my Feed(to do this look in the top right corner) and let me know that you did.
Entry #3: Add me to your blogroll (let me know in the comments that you have done so).
Entry #4 Which will earn you 2 more entries: Make a post about my contest on your own blog (you can leave a link to the post in my comments or email me).

After all the entries are collected, I will hold a random drawing on Wednesday Feb 11th and will announce the winner by 7 pm EST that day.

Good luck!
PS if you have time read the comments stories left by other entries. They are HILARIOUS

PSS this contest is closed but thanks for entering
if you like contests there is one over at
a free vacation


  1. Wow...never thought you would hold a contest lol! Good luck to all who enter! (She always has the neatest gadgets :D )

  2. A contest? Neighbors get more chances?

  3. But of course! did you subscribe to me for even more massive chances LOL Share me with your friends and you can go in as a um group

  4. The worst gift I have ever gotten would have to be the electric can opener I got from my ex hubby on one of our anniversaries. How stupid is that, so now, Ive dont 1 and subscribed to you, I have added you to my blogroll and now i have also answered the last one for 4 and 5 put my name in HA HA im feeling lucky.

  5. The worst gift I ever got was a clown figurine that was plain creepy! It gives me the willies to even think about it! I gave it away to my cousin who shot me a look when she opened it up! You know what at least it was out of MY house! lol

  6. my brother and I have been regifting a model car, that he built, for over thirty years-it's his turn to get it this year

  7. The worst gift was a pair of socks!
    What a great giveaway!! I'd love to win it.

  8. Thanks for the stories and good luck everyone !

  9. silliest worst gift:
    every year I get a tin of honey mustard pretzel bits. And I hate mustard, and I've told my relatives this every year. And every year I get it for Christmas.

  10. the silliest gift yet the best, I received was from my youngest brother. he was 8 and I was 16. He bought me a dinosaur. he told me he bought it so he could play with it for me when I wasn't home. which most of the time I wasn't (I was a runaway). He was so excited because he picked it out himself. our other brothers teased him and told him it was a stupid gift, and I said no it wasn't it was the best gift I got. and would he please take care of it for me. I will always remember this gift.

  11. I regifted an electric wine bottle opener. I thought it was silly, but the recipient loved it and uses it frequently. Who knew?

  12. You guys are hilarious!
    Mustard pretzels eww?

    I wonder what so hard about opening wine you need an electric one. I never seem to have any problem hehe. Perhaps its how badly you need it.
    Haggatha your little brothers gift is silly and wonderful. How cute.

  13. I got a hockey puck as a gift. I don't play hockey.


  14. Worst gift as been a Chia pet. I quickly regifted it

  15. I have re-gifted gift cards I had no interest in.

  16. I often regift wine that we win. WE gave up drinking any alcohol years ago so give wine we get to friends.

  17. I want to be on js22 and sdadolf xmas list
    Giftcards and Wine WOW!!!

    Not so much Scott and Peter, lol
    What funny gifts.

    Thanks for entering and good luck!

  18. The silliest gift I ever received was an ultra-violet thingamajig to clean a sonic electric toothbrush with-would've been a great gift except I don't have a fancy electric toothbrush.
    Suppose I should've went out and bought one.

  19. Aww dixie thanks for entering i would be worried they were trying to tell me something!
    But i am goofy like that.
    That was so a regift to you!
    thanks for subscribing and good luck

  20. I have regifted unopened DVD's and CD's that I would never watch or listen to that I received as gifts!

  21. The worst gift I received was a Fire Extinguisher for Christmas from my husband. The same year I had a grease fire on our 10th anniversary and he thought it would be funny to give me a fire extinguisher. I still have it and haven't had a kitchen fire since. (:

  22. I'd gladly regift any present with pink on it. It's a guy thing. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  23. I have never regifted before but the silliest thing I received was a dress that never fit.

  24. Ever year for Christmas my uncle would buy me either a huge bottle of vanilla musk perfume or a gift set of Vanilla fields. I hated the way it smelled. So I would wrap it up and give it away as a gift for someone else. The worst gift a ever received was probably a sexy bra and panty set with fur. It would have been nice coming from my husband but I received it from a secret Santa swap at work. To open it work was quit embarrassing. To make matters worse she tells me her husband wanted to get them for me and picked them out. I always had trouble facing her husband after that because it kinda crept me out.

  25. Oh my these are great entries!
    Thanks so much for commenting.

  26. I re gifted some of the things I got for wedding presents. When I got married, I know a couple of friends were getting married right after me and that we would be broke, so some of the things that I got double of I saved for presents for them. One bot a set of bowls, the other a waffle iron.

  27. Never had anything to regift; I must be greedy :p

  28. The worse gift I ever got was for xmas from a well-to-do cheap great aunt!She saved the paper that had been punched out at the office!What a mess that was to clean up!!

  29. I won a tire from a Nascar race. The thing stunk. I was so happy to gift it to a tru Nascar friend.

  30. What on earth were you to do with the punchouts. Perhaps she thought it was confetti?
    A tire. I a tire? How hilarious. I once got a Ashtray made out of a mini tire and someone made us a turned inside out tire into a planter. LOL I guess we can say we are recycling.

  31. worst gift? an electronic solitaire game from my ex sister-n-law.. the message was loud and clear... lol

  32. Worst gift? Some money wasn't even cute or anything
    KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

  33. LOL
    You guys are making things up now
    omg too funny

  34. hey i didnt buy you this gift? mom

  35. I got cuff holders from my mother-in-law
    Diane Baum

  36. Ive been thinking back and the can opener was a bad gift indeed, But the gift that really stands out to me now that i think about it, is when i was in kindergarten you know how kids exchange gifts? well the kid that had my name got me a puzzle UGGHH! I was heartbroken all the other kids got neat things, hair brushes, dolls things like that and I got a damn puzzle.

  37. Aww he probably couldnt do it himself sheri hehe
    and umm no mom i think you gave that to your son... im sure he loves it LOL

  38. worst i received is an apron with snakes all over it

  39. Did all of the above and...
    the worst gift I ever received was a clown puppet kinda like this one here but creepier. My sister gave it to me for my birthday a few years ago and I have absolutely no idea why. It wasn't a joke and I've never liked clowns so I'm not sure what she was thinking.

    I'll tell you worst gift James received too because it's funny. LOL His 80ish year old grandmother gave him a bottle of cologne of Christmas last year which would be a fine gift except...the bottle was completely totally empty, not a drop in it. We laughed and teased her about it later.

  40. The worst "silliest" gift I have ever gotten was one of those room stop lights that you put up on your wall when you're a teenager. I have no clue how the person figured I would want such a gift, but it definitely made me laugh.

  41. i regifted a dvd of the first season of gomer pyle usmc

  42. My friend once gave me White Trash cologne for a Christmas gift

  43. I had a friend get Canned ELK meat for Christmas one year LMAO

  44. This past Christmas, I was gifted vanilla scented candles, a scent that makes me gag. As soon as I could, I gifted them on to the next victim...They couldn't figure out why I was wearing a gas mask...

  45. Worst gift from my boyfriend was an actual

  46. Rss feed subscriber @ yahoo -- lisalcolorado2007

  47. I am a subscriber.

  48. Ok, lets begin with the fact that my brother hasn't talked to me for about 5 years.

    He and his wife gave my husband and I the most lovely gift one Christmas. (note the lbs of sarcasm)

    He gave us a Christmas Tree ornament.

    It was a huge ceramic fly

    with eyes that bugged out of its head

    and gaudy gold wings

    I didn't know if I should laugh or cry!

    I didn't regift it because I don't have anyone to give this horrific fly, with the buggy eyes ornament

    I haven't thought of this for a while!

  49. I'm subscribed via Google Reader!


  50. The silliest gift I've received is a plug-in potpouri thing.

  51. I added you to my blog roll,

  52. I blogged,

    Entry #1

  53. I blogged,

    Entry #2

  54. Our friends gave us a platter for a our wedding gift. The platter didn't match the one that was on the box, it wasn't even the same color, design...anything. And the box was OLD! Obviously old!


  55. I have you on my blog list.

    Scroll down on the left. Thanks!

  56. I blogged about your giveaway! Thanks again!

  57. The worst present I ever had was a Christmas present from my crazy aunt. I was in third grade and she gave me this like stuffed animal baby doll sort of thing. Only where the face was it was kind of this blank cloth where she had my third grade class picture printed on it. So the doll's face was my face. It was so weird.

  58. I've regifted kitchen and bath towel sets

  59. I regifted a toaster oven. It was a nice one but mine was bigger, HAHA.

  60. I regifted an Am. Idol game... We just aren't into it but it turns out the new giftee loved it...

  61. Thanks to the subscribers, and all the bloggers you have great blogs! Im so happy with the success of this contest and your comments are great. That doll sounds creepy. My girl had a real life looking baby doll a female one but she insisted on calling her Andrew.

  62. I haven't regifted, but I have donated many unwanted gifts to a charity resale shop. Thanks for the giveaway.

  63. I've regifted children's clothes that were too small when they were given.
    The worst gift I recieved was a USED foot messager.

  64. LOL ewww on the USED things though

    I have several slightly used LCD monitors also
    ones 17 ones a 19 I believe I was thinking of using those for future contests.
    Do you guys think that would be tacky?
    They are like brand new.

  65. The worst gift I ever received was a matching set of the toilet seat cover, rug and cleanex box cover.

  66. The worst gift I ever received was an ironing board (I thought it was going to be a surfboard). Broke it off with that guy!

  67. I regifted (sorry Nancy)...a giant glass teapot that I got for my wedding.

  68. am subscribed via google reader. THANKS

  69. The worst gift that I ever got was a cheap keychain-- it was a wedding present to me and my husband!

  70. What a coincidence I just re-gifted a $30 Applebee's gift card for my first blog giveaway.

  71. The worst gift I ever received was this past Christmas from my father-in-law. A necklace made out of a crocodile claw, it's hideous! And in bad taste seeing as how I'm a vegetarian. I have no idea what some people are thinking when they're gift shopping.

  72. I re-gifted a scarf and gloves that were too large.

  73. Awesome! I could so use this. I only re-gift nice things that I can't use. I've re-gifted brand new baby shoes and new makeup in the past.

    shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

  74. I subscribed to your feed via Yahoo

  75. I received a dog toy for Valentines Day. I don't have a dog.
    smchester at gmail dot com

  76. I subscribed through Google Reader!
    smchester at gmail dot com

  77. I received a glass deviled egg tray for Christmas.
    I regifted it to my best friend, but I told her that I got it has a gift.

  78. I re gifted lotion and fragrance sets I received to my mother. I am particular and she will use anything!

  79. I have regifted cologne, ball caps, and books.

  80. I subscribed to your RSS feed vis Google Reader!

  81. My worst gift that I received would be clothing a few sizes too big for me. I tried to wear them anyway because I knew the person meant well who gave them!

  82. I have regifted many a bath/lotion items, and some giveaway items I won. :O It was close to christmas and it helped keep my cost down this past year. I wish I could have kept some though. ;) Thank you for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com

  83. For this past Christmas, I participated in a secret Santa exchange. As one of my gifts, I received a Kiwi and Strawberry car air freshener. I thought that was just a little odd, but then I turned it over and it still had the $.50 clearance price sticker on it!

  84. My mom actually regifted a set of candles to me that I gave her the year before! She must have forgotten that I gave them to her. I didn't tell her, didn't want her to feel bad!

  85. I've re gifted some kid's toys since they were for younger kids than my are!

    Thanks :)

  86. My worst gift was a candle that smelled awful! I can't imagine anyone thinking it was nice. colorfulcarla@

  87. The worst gift was a baked potatoe maker...........lots of pieces and had to be dishwasher safe. Junk!! Fell apart before I could regift it

  88. is this contest open to all? pls let me know sherrygo at hotmail dot com

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Coffee mugs.
    Duplicate board games.
    CDs and DVDs are sometimes regifted.
    Xmas cake is never regifted, and never consumed.

  91. A very ugly doll, which seemed pointless scince I'm an adult and not a doll collector, much less an ugly doll collector.

  92. I've subscribed to your RSS Feed on Yahoo. Thanks!

  93. The worst gift I got was a dorky flamingo

  94. I've regifted a whole lot of sweepstakes prizes...but I don't think I would regift your regift...if I win!

  95. I've never received a bad gift... any gift is golden. Give me a rock, I'd love it. lol

  96. I've regifted some towels and some duplicate appliances.

  97. I regift door prizes from golf tournaments. I save any door prizes win then donate them to my golf leagues charity tournament.

  98. I was regifted a set of pottery type bowls with handles designed to serve baked french onion soup. These were definitely from the 1970's or so. The upside of that is pottery is coming back in style.

    jeanilynne at gmail dot com

  99. I subscribed in Google Reader at:
    jeanilynne at gmail dot com

  100. on my blogroll here:

    jeanilynne at gmail dot com

  101. blogged this giveaway here:

    jeanilynne at gmail dot com

  102. I have re gifted some of the baby presents I got because I got duplicates without a gift receipt. Useful things for other new mothers so didn't feel bad about re gifting

  103. My husband forgot my birthday one year, and came home a few days later with a 9 quart canning pot. I certainly did not want a canning pot for my birthday.

  104. I got two kitchen towels with snowmen on them, holding fishing poles!

    I don't go fishing nor does anybody in my family!

  105. Silliest gift I got was an accordian I have no musicial talent or desire it was a joke...

  106. A sheet set that didn't match my decor.

  107. I've regifted multiple clothing items. Whenever someone buys me clothes, if I don't like them, or they don't fit, I regift :)

  108. Coloring books when I was 15. That same year I bought a car. Gave them to my younger cousin.

  109. I am subscribed.

    Thanks for the Giveaway!

  110. We needed a new deck of cards for poker nights when I went to visit my parents over New Years. Now keep in mind that these are the boondocks that they're livin in, and so most of the people near them are missing teeth or drive to work in a pick-up. So, naturally, I wrapped up a neon-like orange buck (deer) deck of cards that they gave me like 10 years ago and brought it with me for poker nights. Naturally, the cards stuck together after 30 minutes of usage. Oh well, that's all I got.

  111. I totally regifted a disgusting to me vanilla scented gift basket to my brothers rotten girlfriend. I didn't even feel bad about it. She is still hanging around mooching for gifts at Christmas even though her and my brother have been broken up for eons.

  112. Well.........I guess the neatest thing I have ever regifted was my first anniversary gift from my husband. I just recycled it and gave it to him on his favorite holiday, Christmas. He was like a little kid and opened up the beautifully wrapped box that I put it in. You ought to have seen the look on his face when he held the box upside down to shake out............NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, that is what I got!!! I just was returning it to him. I asked him if it was what he felt he deserved and of course he said no, then I told him well, I gave you what you thought I deserved. Lesson learned???? No, that is why he is my ex..LOLOLOL!

  113. Thank you for all the great stories everyone and I am glad you like the prize. This contest is loads of fun!

  114. Worst gift I received? Probably clothes that were way too big for me. I'm still trying to figure out if the person was trying to imply something. The clothes looked like they should be worn in a circus or something.


  115. I am not a knickknack person, so except for some that have sentimental value (ie, from a child or grandchild), I have regifted some rather odd looking items. Usually I try to take them to office parties where we have the white elephant gifts--that way nobody is insulted since it is expected that the packages will be rather odd!

  116. My sister-in-law always gives our family the same gift she's given us for the last SEVERAL years-nothing; maybe I should be happy about that. Because the one time she did give me a gift, it was an awful 3-peice thin wooden heart candle set that found cleaning out an abandoned house (I used to be really into hearts like 15 years ago). My husband once gave me a paperweight -made of crushed metal-it was a perfect cube- he found it at work-so now, I get my own gifts. My email is spud (at) windstream (dot) net.

  117. I know everyone says socks are not great gifts, but unless they are the kind you don't wear or are hideous or the wrong size, I don't know why socks would be such a bad gift. That's one less thing I have to buy for myself.

  118. Silliest gift was a Chia Pet clown head. I took him to work and put him in the break room. We gave him a name and watched his green afro grow in. I still have him somewhere. Thank you for the great give-away.

  119. Wow Dave you got some great contests on your blog too. I added you to my blog roll

  120. The silliest gift I ever received was a tin of tea, the only thing is I don't drink tea

  121. My company gave away Hams for Christmas.
    My co-worker is a strict vegetarian so he gave me his ham. I turned around and re-gifted the ham to my daycare provider for a Christmas bonus.

  122. I regifted some wooden bowls my SIL gave to me for Christmas. I gave them as wedding gifts to one of my friends.

  123. Silliest ever? Well I *thought* what I got was a $10 pair of Durabrand (shudder) Wal-Mart speakers. Hey maybe I will find a use for them, I thought.

    Only the day later did I discover that the original thing wasn't in the box. What I actually got were some clearance, day-glo pink (!) and orange Wii remote sleeves. And they're not even padded like the ones that come with; oh no sir, thin as a um... "glove" (trying to keep it G-rated.)

    That makes for recycled box, and dejected clearance gift all in one. What a crock!

  124. This year from my girlfriends parents. I got a flexible magnetic wand thing, for picking up screws out of tight places. WTF? The most random gift I've ever gotten

  125. I don't regift much, but one year I did get 3 pairs of gloves for Christmas, and I saved them and then gave them next year as gifts to a few of my coworkers. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  126. I've regifted movies that i've received that I didn't want or had already seen.

  127. When I was thirteen, my Grandmother sent me a babrie for Christmas. By thirteen I was well beyong Barbies. I didn't even have a little sister to give it to. I gave it to a friend who had little sisters.

  128. the only time that I wear a tie is to weddiings or funerals. One year for Christmas, it seems as if every one gave me a tie, I didn't need that many. So the next year I gave them as presents.

  129. I won a Richard Petty racing experience from a barrel draw at my local grocery store--I gave it to my stepfather, who is a mechanic, and acts as an official for the local rabbit and late model sportsman races. He loved it, and the pictures are worth a thousand words...

  130. I have regifted a lot of item a particular set of friends give us for Christmas to the free table at work. I wish they'd save their money but since they dont, I am thrilled to give the items to people who want them

  131. I asked for an art projector, but recieved a plastic 99 cent protracter.Still laugh at that one

  132. I've regifted gift cards several times. I have a very clear conscience about that.

  133. I've regifted bath products with scents I don't like.

  134. I once got a set of drinking glasses with brown and orange butterflies painted on them - ugly!

  135. I was actually given back a box of candy for Christmas that I had given the year prior as part of my gifts to this person. I could not believe it.

  136. The silliest thing I ever received, a drain cover. No joke! A kitchen sink drain cover, a plastic not cute or special drain cover!

  137. The silliest and worst gift I ever received was this big fur hat that made me look like I had a squirrel sitting on the top of my head. It was given to me by my grandparents who lived in the country and a "neighbor" had made it. Because I love my grandparents and didn't want to hurt their feelings (because in their mind it was a wonderful gift) I kept the hat and only wore it in the cold weather when we went to visit THEM! I cringed everytime I put it on because I knew it was made from something that was once alive and it broke my heart and my personal views on animal rights. Thank you for letting me share my worst and silliest gift story!

  138. I am now subscribed to your Blog via my Google Reader. My username is joannaonthelake

    I am also following your Blog! My username is joannaonthelake

  139. I posted about your wonderful giveaway on Twitter with a link back to here. Here is a link to my posting:

  140. I've regifted a surprising number of candles, everyone seems to think I love candles. Maybe they are regifting them too.

  141. One Christmas I got a chip and dip plate for some odd reason. Luckily I was able to regift it as a wedding present to a friend of mine. I hope he doesn't read this.

  142. I gave a candle to my mother in law and she gifted it back to me the next Christmas!


  143. I have regifted some beautiful handmade afghans that I could not possibly use with all my pets to my aunt that loves that sort of thing.

  144. This past xmas, I regifted an ugly sweater that I received the previous xmas..

  145. I subscribed to you via google reader

    ardy2222 at

  146. Also following you!

  147. Blogged you here!

  148. On several occasions I have re-gifted chocolates. My husband is a teacher and we always receive way too many chocolates from his students during the holidays.

  149. I am following your blog. Thanks!

  150. Two many chocolates? Is that possibe?
    Thanks all for entering

  151. the only things i re-gift are things that (i think) were meant for women but given to me, lol!

  152. I have regifted a lot of lotions and perfumes, because I can't use them. My husband has terrible allergies to scents.

    The worst gift I ever got was a wedding present from DH's former best friend and his wife. They gave us a box of Freezer Pops. "Inside joke?" I asked. Nope. DH had no idea what they were thinking.

  153. re-gifted a blow-up doll...that was one gift that got re-gifted numerous times...i wonder who ended up with it...

  154. Chocolates that I did not like because they were coconut.

  155. I subscribed to your posts via Yahoo.

  156. I regifted a nightgown -- gift from my mother-in-law and gave it to my mother!


  157. My grandmother got me a cowbell once.
    For Christmas. To this day I have no idea why.
    We didn't have any cows. It was just this metal cowbell... and it was dirty.
    Seriously, Grandma, a cowbell?

  158. I'll do both. The best and silliest gift was my kitkat Sir lancelot he was super silly. And I always regift anything with a fragrance because of my migraines.

  159. The worst gift that I ever received (but it was given with good intentions) was from my grandmother. I was around 12 years old, and she bought me a huge handbag unfit for a young girl...and more suited for her age!

  160. The worst gift I have ever received was a box of hangover pills from my brother. He forgot to buy me a birthday gift so he stopped at the gas station on the way to my party. I regifted it to him when he turned 21.

  161. I got a robe once that was about 4 sizes too small and the thing is the person knew what size I wore. They probably regifted it to me because they didn't like it.

  162. I subscribed to your RSS feed via Google reader.

  163. I have to admit that I "regifted" wedding picture frames. I received several when I got married that just weren't my style at all and gave them as wedding presents later on.
    Thanks for the nice giveaway.

  164. Thanks for the giveaway...The worst gift I received was a maroon color, down ski jacket that my Mom gave me one Christmas when I was about twelve; the jacket was really on the pink side of maroon, obviously a color meant for a girl...I spent the next two weeks arguing with her that it was a girl's color before she relented and returned it. I think the real problem was that it was the 1970's...

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  165. ...subscribed via Yahoo.

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  166. Someone gave me a tin of cocoa with an expiration date of 01/01/2000 this past Christmas. Yes, folks, a NINE YEAR OLD tin of cocoa....

  167. Every year for both my birthday & Christmas my father gets me a sweater from a clothing company I have no interest in & every single Christmas & birthday for the past 8 years he has gotten me the same card. I can see a lot of thought had gone into those presents.

  168. A Boyfriend once gave me a house plant for my birthday...intimacy at its best!

  169. I regifted a sweater I received to my friend.

  170. I've never regifted, but the worst gift I ever got was an iron from my first mother-in-law. I really wanted to bash her upside the head with it.

  171. My family and friends are usually great at buying gifts, but this past Christmas my mom, for whatever reason, thought that I would love to own a Snuggie, one of those blankets with sleeves that looks like a monk's (or a cult member's) robes. Even worse, she bought me one in seafoam green! I feigned happiness while silently acknowledging that I, as a self-respecting male, could never put that thing on my body. Luckily, I volunteer at a senior citizen's center and the perfect recipient of the Snuggie - a lovely woman in her 80s - recently had a birthday, so I was able to get rid of the Snuggie without feeling too guilty about it. :)

  172. Subscribed to your feed in google reader - thanks!

  173. I regifted a key fob I received; it was a piece from my daughter-in-law's favorite bag designer, so I gave it to her. asthenight at gmail dot com

  174. Something I regifted was a Flamingo night lite. It was also the sillest gift I ever got.

    It was a neon 16" pink glowing Flamingo.
    I have 3 cats & they would have just knocked it over & started a fire.......or the kids would have touched it & gotten burned.
    I regifted it to someone would was into that kinda junkie stuff & has no kids or pets.

  175. Subscribed to your feed in google reader !!!!!!!!!!

  176. I am a new follower!

  177. I regifted several wedding presents I received that I knew I would never use.

  178. edible undies is the worst gift i got how tacky :(

  179. The worst gift was a pink used watch with stains on it!


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