Diva Dilemma
We all know how much I love my car. I yammered on about it here , here , and of course here . I kiss it before I get in, tell her how beautiful she is all the time, and plan long pointless errands on sunny days in order to drive her with her top down. Yesterday, being a gorgeous day, I took her on a 40 mile trip in order to have a 30 minute lunch with a friend. As soon as I pulled out of the driveway this blinking light came on along with obnoxious beep. I pulled into a station, popped the hood, some nice man ran over and we flipped through manual looking at pictures and it was the coolant light. It didn’t look too low but I bought some anyway and put a bit in and off I drove waving thanks to my new helpful station friend. Driving Speeding Going all race car mode on 4 way highway WEEEE Grr Still on. Diva is not running hot though and the air is on blowing cool air on my legs (yes I know top is down but the air sure is nice blowing up my skirt) Diva is just blinking at me And b@$tching ...