I Want


I want!!
Yes I know it is really just a ginormous jumbo itouch
I dont care
I want one of these too


What do you think dear internet, will you be in line with me?


  1. IT's funny we want small sleek technology that slips into our pockets, and that hides at the bottom of our bags so we can never find the damn things! But this looks attractive and just perfect as its kinda of bigger then a phone and smaller then a laptop. Genius! Great way for Apple to make more money out of us too! Id buy one if I had some money! ( I also want one of those big button remotes)

  2. I know right as long as they make it a different size or colour I want one. I laughed out loud at the demo but I soooo want one!

  3. they do look neat! My mother has that gigantic remove btw. My kids are amazed with it LOL

  4. seen it on tv last night and said omg my daughter will want one RIGHT NOW love u ma

  5. Tina those remotes look cool! I would get one if I could figure out how to program them. Not just me ma your grandaughter and her hubby want one too LOL

  6. oh yes cant wait though will have to haha :) maybe a big remote means you cant lose it?! hmm must try it....

    LOL geriatric iphone

  7. i want one too gramma :>)

  8. I do! I want be getting one I know. But that doesn't keep me from wanting.

  9. aww you are not going to get one? maybe santa will get you one for xmas they should be cheaper by then

  10. I want one too! Although I am not entirely sure why. I think my love for all things Apple makes me instantly want it all.

  11. I cant really figure out why I want one either
    I do a lot of reading on my iphone through the kindle ap so maybe because its bigger. But probably because its new and APPLE


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