
Back in January, I quit my full time job of 13 years to concentrate on my at home business.
With so much more free time, I spent most of my time on, manicures, hair appointments, eyelash extensions and leisurely brunches and basic lazy days.

During one quick shopping trip I dropped by Wal-Mart to pick up a few things and I was surprised by it being a “different place”.
It was a lot of moms with their kids and retired people.
The pace was SLOW, no one was rushed and I felt totally out of place.
I was in full makeup in my faux fur jacket looking at laundry baskets.
But hey that’s me, no reason not to take care of you first!

Another time, I picked up mom in hot diva car to go shopping and despaired we were dressed alike.

But today, something happened.
I had on my not so dirty only wore them once Capri’s
My good t-shirt, by good I mean it is long and covers my big gut (no control tops for me!)
A banana clip in my hair
No manicure
No make up
Glasses on as contacts are a bother.

Me: Does my hair look alright in this clip
Her: Ummm
Me: Ok, it’s out. Better? (Wild hair stands up all over), do you have a comb?
Her: No
Me: Looking in vanity mirror, well shit.
Her: I know
Me: Wth (*&,#) when did this happen?
Her: I think it’s been coming on a while now.
Me: Well………………………sh*&t


Monday, we are going back to high maintenance.


  1. That is so funny! It happens and we can't control it!

  2. It's funny how that happens isn't it? I remember getting dressed in the mornings, they say if you work at home work like you work anywhere and after all this time I feel proud if I slip out of my pajamas and get into a pair of shorts and baggy tshirt to start work. But, just think how much easier going we've become? I think hehe

  3. lol yes it is easier, time has skewed too.
    like a trip to the store is a HUGE task now

  4. I knew I had slipped when all I had to do was change from sweats to jeans, and my kids would ask "What are you so dressed up for"?

  5. aww friend it hard sometimes not to let things slip but how funny lol

  6. i am glad you are back in the swing of things
    watch out world, diva is back


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