Yay Another Contest

Yay lets have another contest.
This one the theme is horrid job
What was the worst job you ever had and how did you quit/fire/escape

Five chances to win

Leave a comment with your story of above theme.
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Finally for two chance to win, link back to this post via your blog

Email me when you have done them all and I will have a random drawing on April 30th at PST

Good luck

OHHHH and the prize will be a 50$ gift card to Wal-Mart



  1. I will start of course wont count as entry.
    Worked for a guy who set up dog shows
    Threw an ashtray in office in fit of rage
    I left at lunch never came back.

  2. worked for a hairdresser from hell and I just left one day and never went back

  3. i worked at a restaurant where the boss would fake a heart attack whenever she was in the wrong and you confronted her about it, i finally had enough and walked off the job

  4. I'm pretty sure I can just request to be entered, right?

  5. I worked at the Washington National Aiport (DCA) at one of the concession stands in 1983. One morning I was asked to work at a stand other than mine. No problem. While at this stand, I kept hearing sounds of paper being torn over and over again. Whenever a customer came to the register, the sound stopped. Later on one of the other cashiers came by to chat and mentioned that there were mice in my area. They showed me where the candy bars in front of the register were being eaten by mice. I was disgusted. I called the main office to report it and they told me they were aware. I told them that if no one came to relieve me or took care of the problem, I was leaving. I called an hour later only to find out that no one was going to relieve me. I asked to speak to my manager and told her that I was quitting due to the unhealthy working conditions and turned in my uniform. I resigned that day.

  6. My first day on a job as a new nurse was at a "Local State Run Mental Institute" and I was scared to death. I went in the building at 8am and their was feces on the steps, the place was a mess. When I left at 4pm the messes were all still there. I never went back.


  7. Subscribed via MyYahoo

  8. Following you


  9. Blogged - http://moonshadow43.blogspot.com/2009/04/win-5000-walmart-gift-card.html

  10. I was working "security" at a major chemical manufacturing plant. My job was to sit at the front desk of their main office and buzz people in; of course they never told me who NOT to buzz in. I literally sat in boredom every single day. I wasn't allowed to leave my post unless someone else came to sit and monitor the almighty buzzer. I was supposed to be relieved three times a shift by some of the secretaries in the building but they'd never come on time and I'd have to call. You could tell they hated the fact that they had to relieve me for breaks and lunch. One woman was particularly nasty when it was her turn.
    One day it came time for my break and she didn't show. I called her and she still didn't come right away and I had to GO! Finally she came and made a snide remark about having to relieve me. I spent the rest of the afternoon typing my letter of resignation adding that they may want to consider hiring a camel next time since humans occasionally need bathroom breaks.

    shel704 at aol dot com

  11. I'm subscribed

    shel704 at aol dot com

  12. I'm following

    shel704 at aol dot com

  13. record store manager, i just up and quit one day.

  14. Working at Burger King when I was a teen. I quit

  15. I taught dance for a studio and had to beg to get paid. I left when I graduated from school.

  16. A/R clerk, my boss would tell me to do something one way one day and then the next day tell me I'd done it wrong and she'd never said to do it that way. I finally was able to move to another position within the company

  17. I was a telemarketer and tried to sell things by phone

  18. The worst job I ever had was working at McDonald's - not even as a cashier, but in the back with all of the nasty food. I escaped by finding a job at Starbucks...not much better, but slightly better.
    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  19. I tried to sell cosmetics door to door when I was in high school. I would go out after school, but hardly anyone was at home. I couldn't afford to buy many catalogs and leave them at people's houses, so I wasn't able to connect with many people at all. I did manage to make a few sales, but then I had trouble collecting the money due to me. A friend of mine was also a sales rep for this company, and she got me into this, so I had her contact them to say I wouldn't be working for them any more. I think that she told them I left town.

  20. The worst job I ever had was as a cook/bus boy for a small bar & grill when I was in high school. I worded there for 2 1/2 years and my boss was a raging alcoholic. Some nights she would make me leave work in tears because she was so mean. I could never get time off and I worked 7 days a week! Every time I mustered up enough willpower to try and quit I would get scared and back down. Finally I found the answer. I joined the Air Force! Ha! It was the best decision of my life. After 4 years in the military I got out and landed a sweet job with a school district where I've been for 6 years now and loving it! But I'll never forget that bar & grill and it's crummy patrons and terrible working conditions infested with roaches and meth head waitresses.

    Michael.Kuntz[ at ]gmail.com

  21. I worked at a savings & loan right after high school in a temporary job to fill in for someone having surgery. No one told me where the restroom was, when we got paid, nothing beyond what I was supposed to do at the window. The lady who was in charge of the tellers would greet some unlucky person at the door every morning and screech at them (in front of everyone else) about something they'd done wrong the day before. I'd be so tense every morning hoping it wouldn't be me, I'd have a headache before I ever got to work. Luckily, the job only lasted about two months.

  22. I did insurance for a Chiropractors office. The job itself wasn't bad, but my employers were nuts. In the two years I was there over 15 people came and went in other positions in the small office. I stuck it out and quit as soon as my son was born.

  23. I worked in a factory that cut foam packaging.The fumes were horrible.Couldnt have been safe to breath that.Anywway I kept a sinus infection all the time. Lost tons of weight caused I lived on antihistmanes..lol I got fired for being out sick to much. Have not had a sinus infection since!!

  24. 7-11 graveyard shift, 'nough said.

  25. I worked at a nursing home for about 2 months, and it was heartbreaking. I had 8 patients for whom I was responsible, and none of them had any visitors the entire time that I worked there. They were soooo lonely, and I wanted to spend time with them, but between feeding them, bathing them, and getting them to and from the potty, there simply wasn't time. It was so emotionally heartwrenching that I can't bear to reflect upon it for any period of time. Is this what we have come to as a species?
    Alicia Webster

  26. I once worked for a restraunt that I found out was run by real mafia type criminals. I had to quit for my own protection. Later the owners were murdered.

  27. I worked in the school cafeteria in college. The shipments of fresh vegetables was directly from the farm. Each crate contained veggies plus dead insects, animals and other things I was never really sure of. Several weeks into this nightmare called salads, I quit and went to work for a printing company.

  28. I worked for my dad at a landfill, where he was a driller. I was 14 and I hated it. He had me painting huge propane tanks, I tried everything to get out of going everyday and he would make me go. So one day I acted like I fell off the 12 foot high propane tank, when in actuality I only tripped on a rock. He let me stay home after that saying I was too clumsy to work there, I had the rest of the summer to do what I wanted! lol!

  29. I've had so many horrible jobs-or, rather, horrible bosses! I was fired from my first real job. It was light factory work, and I just could not figure out soldering! Yuck-I hated that job!

  30. aww that is heartwrenching the nursing home, they were blessed to have you 5 webs

  31. I worked in a really nasty plastics factory. What a horrible job! I quit after two weeks.

  32. Worked at a Pizza Place
    They treated the employees horrible and would combine your tips in a jar?
    I walked out
    Kawaiineko2008 at aol dot com

  33. i worked in manfaturing for 12 hours a day and had to fight for a break mverno@roadrunner.com

  34. Working in a cannery during summers in high school, I worked at a machine scooping 5 cherries into each can of fruit cocktail.

  35. worked at a restaurant for 4 years.. new owners came in and took over from an upscale place in Richmond.. the wife was a two faced poker player and the husband was just a jerk.. never spoke to anyone unless he was yelling at you. the snowball effect began to occur and what did me in was the night the husband took a barstool and smashed it into a million pieces in the middle of the bar.. during our busiest hours. he then proceeded to the kitchen where he dumped trashcans and broke off refrigerator doors. why you may ask? all because a customer wasn't satisfied with their dinner. can we say 'ego'

  36. when I was 15 I got a job in a factory that made balsa wood toy airplanes, I was put on a buzz saw where you had to hold wood in your hand and guide it over a spinning saw blade , it scared me to death and after about an 1 hour I walked away and quit.

  37. I worked at an ice cream store and the boss was a creep...I quit after a month!

  38. i worked 1 day at an insurance company where a husband & wife were owners. when i was hired, the husband told me they needed someone b/c his wife wanted to retire and hand over her job to other people. so, i go there and his wife wouldn't even let the front desk girl ANSWER THE PHONE which was HER job! the wife was like, "i better get that." she was so busy doing everyone else's job and wouldn't let anyone do anything! i left a voicemail for the husband saying that he might want to tell his wife that she was retiring b/c she didn't seem to know!!

    pookielocks at ymail dot com

  39. blogged: http://www.shebecameabutterfly.net/?p=2681



  40. blogged: http://www.shebecameabutterfly.net/?p=2681



  41. My worst job was a call center for a cell phone company. I got yelled at all the time by unhappy people. I went home crying nearly every night. I applied some where else and when I got the call I had the new job during my break, I walked back to my desk grabbed my things and walked out.

  42. The worst job I ever had was working at a Nathan's restaurant. They made you were the ugliest uniform (green and yellow). My first day I worked the register for awhile and then they sent me out into the mall parking lot to hand out coupons in the sweltering heat. I hated it so much that the next day I called to say I wouldn't be coming back.

  43. I went to work as a receptionist/assistant in an insurance office. It was in a large building and there were several internal offices. Every day, I was the only person in the place. The phone never rang. I had absolutely nothing to do. After two weeks, I was going crazy with boredom, so I quit. asthenight at gmail dot com

  44. I worked for a shoe company and had to make calls to sell close out shoes (off sizes). I loved calling and talking to the people but my boss was a jerk and I hated trying to get them to buy shoes that no one really wanted in the first place. It just didn't feel ethical. My boss would also make up stories and try to turn my coworkers and I against each other. I finally decided that if I didn't want to be stuck there my whole life I'd better get out. I decided to go back to school and get my Master's degree. I gave my notice and started school the following sememster.

  45. I subscribed! - ruppbc@yahoo.com

  46. I'm following your blog! - ruppbc@yahoo.com

  47. ok i have to say picking up cow pies was one add me on in thanks

  48. Worst job I ever had was working for my dad! Don't ever do it-not recommended! You can't win, either with him, or with the other employees. -- ruppbc@yahoo.com

  49. My worst job was my 1rst one I got a job at The Family Dollar store right before Christmas and i had never worked before nor did the 2 girls that were told to train me want to train me they wanted to gossip and take smoke breaks i wanted to smoke to but never could they left me on the register all day by myself i had to go out side if i had a question I had told the manager how they left me to do everything and wouldn't help and i had to leave the register to go get them to help me and he said if i ever left the register again i'd be fired. So.. next time it happened i told the 20 or so people in line they would have to wait and i closed out the reg. clocked out and told those 2 girls that were outside they had alot of angry customers waiting and i fired up a cigerette and left and never went back LoL!!!!
    Lori Barnes

  50. I am also a new subscriber
    Lori Barnes

  51. The worst job I ever had was also the highest paying job I ever had. It was selling endotrachail tubes to surgeons! The promises were big - little travel, lots of money - but the reality was there was tons of travel and well, okay, lots of money, but it wasn't worth traveling two weeks a month with two kids at home! I quit after 6 months!

  52. The worst job I had was in retail. Rude customers and a manager who acted like a child and when he was angry (which was almost all the time). He would kick things and swear up a blue streak. I quit when I had saved up enough money to go back to college.

  53. My worst job was the one before my curreny one. I was THIS CLOSE to being promoted to another figure in my salary and the owner closed the company because he was 'tired' of it!!!

  54. I worked the overnight/Graveyard shift on an Alzheimer patient ward in a nursing home- imagine getting kicked, cursed and yelled at, scratched while trying to stay calm & collected after a sleepless night, getting patients dressed and ready for visitors.Worse than a nightmare.
    writer61 at yahoo dot com

  55. Pet shop! I got pooped on about 10 times within the day, had bites all over my hands and saw the terrible conditions they put their animals under. I refuse to go to pet shops now. Worst job ever!

  56. I was working at a fast food resturant on the Pier at Daytona Beach one summer. That sounds bad enough, right? Underestimating how many fries to fix and the line outside the door and my manager yelling at me? How about adding getting stalked on top of it? Obsence phone calls were coming in and the manager just laughed about it. Fortunately I had the opportunity to quit, which I left and never went back after three men followed my friends and me out of the store one night. We went to the fast food joint next door to call the police, and thankfully they let us hang out in the employee's break room for a few minutes. Never set foot in that fast food place again! I was scared to death!

  57. at a pizza place where every one poked around and i was use to the patrons coming first and serving them as fast as i could was told i was rude to other workers. was not rude said excuse me countless times but ignored then got upset. hours cut so i found another job where i was wanted an needed

  58. My worst job ever was in 11th grade. Me and a few friends were hired by a car sales company to dress up as animals for a "Wild Days Sale". lol! One of us was a bear, one was an elephant, one was a tiger, and I was a BIG yellow bird! lol! the head of the bird sat on my head and I looked through a screen in the neck. lol! All my feathers were bright yellow and my wings were huge! I also wore orange tights and had bright orange 3-toed feet! lol! We would stand on these huge cement pillars that had street lights, and we would wave at passing cars. lol! It was a very busy street and we caused car accidents every other day because people would be looking at us waving at them in our crazy costumes instead of watching where they were driving! lol! We ended up getting fired when we were caught taking a break in the back of a van smoking cigarettes!! lol! Thank you for the contest!

  59. i'd have to say my most terrible job was shortly out of high school. i worked in the meat/deli department; of what's now, is a closed up local grocery store in rossford, oh. i had to use a meat slicer for customers. not once but three times within a month, i had to claim workers comp because i had an accident with my fingers and the blade. when i got to the emergency room the same doctor who took care of me prior, said hey, weren't you just here. uh, yup.

    not only for the safety issue or maybe it was my negligence.......whichever......i also didn't like the fact that alot of our meat that was claimed to be 'fresh' was in fact expired and old. was washed and mixed to look like it was fresh. disgusting. then, back then, we never used plastic gloves on our hands, so i had tons of blood and meat in my fingernails and on my hands. when i got home every night, my dog would attack me. finally i got disgusted with the whole thing. even though i couldn't stand it and the manager and customers would make me mad, i did give two weeks notice. unfortunately i had to use them for a reference in finding my next job. which ironically turned out to be a much better job and better smelling. i got a job at a flower shop. eventually i would come to quit that after 5 years time, hardly anything of a raise and no benefits. after all, even though i was still living at home, i was considered an adult and tried acting like one, so i had to look out for myself, needed health insurance for myself.

    thanks and have a great day.

    kelly jo

  60. I worked for NYS as an investigator and absolutely hated my boss. She got fired so I didn't have to leave.

  61. Picking strawberries in the summer heat.
    Field boss was evil. Quit after 2 weeks.

  62. I'm not entering the contest just thought it was a cool idea lol my worst was working in a tax office, small office owned by a German man and his wife was the secretary...he had the worst temper ever lol never took it out on me but he'd yell at his wife all day long. One day she said, "Larry get your feet off your desk," so he replied, "Its MY DESK I'll S**T on it if I want to!" In front of clients...

    He was such a hot head lol and she'd always drag me into it and it would really make me feel uncomfortable because I couldn't escape, clients would whisper things to me like OMG I can't believe they are acting that way in front of everyone etc. Ugh it stunk. lol

    There was another job I had which was worse...the boss was having an affair with the office manager who was his best friends WIFE! It made everything very uncomfortable. It had a really sad ending and I'm glad I left before that but it was really hard to work there, I would get knots in my stomach every day and dread going in, I eventually found a better job so I was lucky enough to leave

  63. The worst job I've ever had was working with my husband. He treated me like a junior employee rather than a partner or at least a valued staff member. He was demanding and completely unreasonable. I was soooo relieved when he decided to shut down the business and get a job.

  64. I worked the "drunk" shift at a diner. I was literally hired to be the waitress for the crowd after the bars closed. It was just me and a teenage boy who cooked at a little diner. Yeah. I got grabbed, poked and chased behind the counter. I got yelled at by a woman who thought I was after her boyfriend. Fun times. I quit.

  65. I worked at a bingo parlor and the customers were so mean when they lost. I was always accused of fixing the game somehow.(It is near impossible to cheat at bingo) I worked there for years because the pay was good, but it finally got to me and I walked out.
    smchester at gmail dot com

  66. I'm a follower.
    smchester at gmail dot com

  67. my worst job was working the closing shift in a book store.. at closing time there was never anybody there but the manager yelled at you if you weren't helping customers or cleaning. we probably cleaned the store 10 times over every night because we had to "keep moving"

  68. The worst job I ever had was working for a principal in a school who would be sweeter than candy one minute, and more bitter than whiskey the next. Man, she was awful, and it was terrible for the students even moreso than for us. She truly needed to be fired, and she was, I heard, shortly after I left. Words cannot explain the mood swings this woman suffered from, and suffered upon her teachers, staff, and students, as a result. I was lucky enough to be able to leave due to maternity leave, and was very grateful to submit my resignation after the baby was born, stating I would not be returning.

  69. I already posted mine before...but I quit when a customer called me the C-word. Not gonna put up with that stuff!

  70. I worked in a body shop as the front desk receptionist and cashier. My boss would yell and scream at the guys in the back so loud the customers would hear him. He would come in the front and start yelling at me. I finally stood up and yelled back at him that he was a jerk and walked out.

  71. I worked at a Pizza parlor for one day. My job was to clean all of the pizza trays/pans. They did not have a scrubber, all they had was a gross dirty sponge. After 4 hours scrubbing burnt cheese, I then got to mop floors that had not been mopped in months, and clean toilets that had never been cleaned before. At this moment I knew I probably was not suited for manual labor.


  72. I was a secretary in college for a tyrant female attorney. But the worst part was her horrible hygiene. She smoked, smelled, and ate greasy fast food fish every day for lunch. One day the constant berating got to be too much, and I just walked out. Don't miss it a bit.

  73. One summer when I was 17 I went to work at a food processing plant also known as a "chicken plant".
    Had to wear an apron, hairnet, rubber gloves and galoshes because you had to stand in a freezer with icewater running on the floor all day.

    I worked on a line grabbing chicken legs off a conveyer belt and packaging them as fast as I could.
    One day one of the other workers, (an elderly woman) screamed "Stop the belt" and frantically began searching through the mass of chicken parts.
    Turns out her dentures has slipped out of her mouth and fallen onto the belt.
    I quietly punched out and went home, never to return.
    On a positive note, it fueled my desire for higher education.

  74. I ama follower.

  75. I subscribe via google reader.

  76. I wrote a post about this a my blog.

    It links back to you.

  77. I worked at a local buffet baking and "throwing" cornbread muffins. I literally had to throw them to the customers. I actually got fired because I got pneumonia and the doctor wouldn't let me work for a week. lol. I got so tired of being called "The muffin lady" that I was glad I was fired!

  78. I got a job at a small, junky Super 8 motel in my dinky hometown as a maid. Mystery fluids on beds, the stench of stale cigarette smoke, and having to scrub toilets bases with NO RUBBER GLOVES. Ick.

  79. I worked in a tiny office where roaches crawled over my feet. I kept thinking "I will finish the day and never come back." Then a roach crawled onto my soda can.

    I wrote a note saying "I quit" and wrote the name and number of an exterminator on it. LEFT before lunch.

  80. I worked in the construction/auto industry, was never paid overtime (or doubletime) for a good 5.5 years. Sometimes had to work 40+ hour shifts, and weekends. I took maybe 30 days off in those 8 years, never took a real vacation. I just packed up an left for a rival's company, even though I got called a 'traitor' right as I was leaving. That was the boss from hell.


  81. I once worked in a daycare as a teacher and the owner would come in and talk down to the kids. She also had over the state limit of children per teacher AND moved the 2 year olds into the basement where they had to walk up 2 flights of stairs 3 times a day to eat and play outside. There wasn't even a window. Then when the kids got upset and bit each other she would just shake her head at me. I eventually left, but not before telling every parent that I thought they should take their business else where.

    themeimlookingfor at yahoo dot com

  82. I worked for Macys for 2 days,The boss was such a b,she slammed a big box against me and told me to put it away etc,went to lunch and never returned!


  83. Worst job? Hmmm I guess it would be as 'receptionist' for an RV place but I would usually end up cleaning the owner's car or getting him lunch! Anything anyone else didn't want to do was my job :(


  84. Back in the mid 70's I worked as a Labor & Delivery nurse. Even with a college degree I had to use a long string mop to mop up after the delivery as well as wash the instruments by hand. This was before AIDS and the use of disposable gloves.

  85. My worst job was when I was an early teen when one hot summer week in the 60's my sisters and I had to help out on my grandparents farm by cleaning manure out of the barn stalls. The stench was terrible! I grew up went to college and got a job not working on a farm! Whew!!!!Thanks! senekers@comcast.net

  86. I spent a few days washing dishes at a bar/restaurant. The smell would never leave you.

  87. I was drafted into the army and there was no escape. Two years of cleaning things.

  88. Following.

    ktgonyea at gmail.com

  89. I worked pest control! Yuck! I got away by getting a new job!

  90. I had a horrible boss at a retail job. I was done and I told her I was leaving. She said You cant do that, and I said, watch me. I left my drawer in and walked off. It was GREAT!

  91. My very first job was the worst job ever. I was in high school and worked at a Chinese restaurant and could never understand what the owner was constantly yelling about. I didn't have a problem understanding anyone else but him since he always seemed angry. My co-workers told me to ignore him but it's was next to impossible to do. I quit one week after starting and I swear to this day that he had no clue as to what I was saying when I left.

  92. i worked for a dentist once, who took all the money in the account to play, i literally had to hide money coming in just to cover payroll.
    well it came the time i just could'nt do it anymore as just walked into his office, and told him goodbye. he begged me to stay, but i could'nt.

  93. I was a waitress in a restaurant with a horse racing theme. The uniform was originally jeans with a silk jockey shirt. After a few months they decided that we needed to wear short shorts. Thanks but no thanks.

  94. worked at a drugstore with some beeytotches. On top of having to answerphones, work drive-thru, ring the cashier, dispense prescriptions I had to deal with a ridiculously mean staff. One day, I was yelled at for not putting back the bottles from the counter to get pills from. The following week, I came in to see a counter littered with bottles. The idiots who yelled at me didn't bother putting back the bottles as well!
    heartgrayson at yahoo dot com

  95. I worked for my university for the summer, cleaning the dorms. It was a horrible job, and payed even worse. Some fellow cleaners and I got onto the roof of one of the dorms and drank the night away. We all got fired and moved on to better jobs.

  96. I was a flight attentant and I hated it. Last only 2 weeks.

  97. True story.
    I worked as a waitress in a restaurant located in a high class downtown hotel that had gone to seed. Customers were few and staff was cut back, the few remaining staff were worried about their jobs. As a result, the waitresses also began taking the room service trays upstairs and delivering them to patrons. One late summer night, a naive young me was delivering a tray to a room and I was forced into the room by the hotel guest and assaulted. Management told me I was lying when I came to them crying. I quit on the spot. Awful job.

  98. Marianna That is terrible I hope they didnt get away with it, and you were alright. What a terrible thing to happen. thank you for entering and good luck

  99. i was 15 and i was doing waitress at a local pizza place. For some reason my older sister who had a kid didnt have to work but i did. go figure so i lied to my mom told her i gave 2 weeks notice and quit my job well she turned around and sold my car she gave me for my birthday great mom maybe thats why i dont speak with her

  100. The job itself was OK, my supervisor was the problem. Everyone who was in the office when I first started, either transferred to another department, quit or was fired. After 5 years I finally stood up for what I felt was right and got fired. Miss the pay and benefits, but don't miss the stress.

  101. I had one boss while working during tax season who told my co-worker to just throw up on the clients when she was vomiting. "Aim away, aim away". She wasn't allowed to go home or she wouldn't have a job anymore.

  102. The worst job I had was a debt collector. I was hired as a receptionist but when it was slow I had to call people who owed the Dr. I worked with money. I'm not an aggressive type so I wasn't very good and I felt bad for the people as they told me their stories of not having money.

  103. The worst job I had was grading essays from standardized tests -- for an entire summer I had to sit at a desk for 8 hours reading hundreds of inane and often illegible responses to the same essay question and attempt to score them with the obscure and indecipherable grading scheme we were given as a guide (and if I erred too often, I had to undergo "remedial" training to get my back on track). It was torture, but luckily I started grad school in the fall and could leave that job behind!


  104. Subscribed to your blog on google reader - thanks!


  105. I'm a follower (guettel78) - thanks!


  106. Blogged and linked the giveaway here: http://slavetoacademia.blogspot.com/2009/04/50-walmart-gc-giveaway.html


  107. Blogged (entry 2): http://slavetoacademia.blogspot.com/2009/04/50-walmart-gc-giveaway.html


  108. I worked for Hardee's when I was 17.They treated me like dirt.I neve got the required breaks for a minor.They(the asst managers) would yell at all of us when the managers were not around.I only stayed 3 weeks and just walked out one day during my shift.Thanks!

  109. My worst job was working as a housekeeper at a scuzzy truck stop. I was constantly cleaning up after chewing tobacco spit, overflowing toilets, and who knows what else. >_< It was disgusting. The job eventually wore me down and I ended up quitting.

  110. I worked at a factory that made electrical wire harnesses for vehicles. The wire insulation was made with fiberglass and I had so many microscopic fiberglass slivers all over my body that I thought I would go insane. My hands were so sore. It was the shortest job I've ever had. I managed to work three days and then I politely said take this job & shove it, I ain't workin' here no more!

  111. I've had several 'horrid' jobs, but I believe my worst was shoveling horse and bull 'manure' for ten hours a night at the Will Rogers Coliseum in Fort Worth, Texas a few years ago during the rodeo season!

    Luckily for me, it was only a seasonal assignment that lasted for three weeks!

  112. I'm a follower!



  113. I'm a subscriber via Google Reader!



  114. Worst job was working as a cook at a restaurant, the aweful grease that flew up in that kitchen was horrid and I escaped it by them laying me off saying work was slow, whew thank goodness I couldnt take anymore of that! skyxsky27[at]gmail.com

  115. Thanks for the contest!

  116. I had a job doing phone sales for AAA once. I took the job to pick up extra cash for vacation. I got an hourly wage, and I made a few sales, but not many. I don't think they were sorry when I turned in my resignation after one month on the job.

  117. Christina - xristya@rock.com - The worst job I ever had was when I was 16 and my father got me a job for the summer at one of the insurance companies where he was a supervisor of accounts (he travelled all over the country checking and auditing various comapanies). I was young and artistic and creative, NOT number-oriented (and every day when I did the mail the sums came up wrong), and the place had NO WINDOWS (well, at least the room I had to work in!). I escaped because it became the end of the summer and the following year I vehemently stated that I wouldn't go back, and free-lanced editing and punctuating papers for college students instead (which they loved because I generally got them A's, and I loved because it was on my own time and I could go outside during the day if I wanted to do so!).

  118. The worst job I've had was back in my college days. I worked stuffing envelopes for the school. This was back in the day before everyone had those nifty little sponges to 'lick' the envelopes with. :S Ever have a paper cut on your lips??
    I stuck it out for the semester but next semester I found a new job!

  119. I worked at a Bagel shop and there was this guy that used to come in and spray the bathroom and our boss wanted us to clean it with paper towels. Not on your life! Give me some gloves or something. Wouldn't do it so boss did. Just couldn't.

  120. my worst job was at a frozen yougurt store..to this day i still hate yougurt

  121. My worst job when I was a teenager was a dishwasher in a restaurant. I finally made it to hostess and felt very relieved!


  122. I really have been lucky to have never had a horrid job! Cleaning puke and poop is pretty bad, but its all a part of my current job, which I love: being a mom!

  123. As a teenager I got a job as the lone secretary for a small contruction company. I soon learned that my boss was a heavy drinker who liked to sit around the office playing with his handguns. Needless to say I found another job as quickly as possible and when I received a call I was hired somewhere else, I walked out as soon as I hung up the phone.


  124. My worst job was the first one I ever had. It was at this BBQ restaurant and I had to make the sandwiches. I got like 10 hours a week and below minimun wage and I smelled like BBQ all the time. It was just baddd. I just ended up leaving there for better pay/opportunity.


  125. My worst job is working for the Postal Service as a casual. I could write a book about it. Regulars don't have to do anything. Nothing is said to them. Casuals have to do all the work. They exoect you to go at break neck speed all the time. Our pay has been cut three times. We have to work every weekend and holiday. If you need a day off good luck. If you get injured on the job you are terminated. We have no benefits. The main supervisior is a bitch from hell. I am still working trying to get out of this asylum.

  126. He told me he was a b******d to work for, I thought I could handle him. Turns out he realy was a b******d. I quit after 2 weeks. He offered me another job at the company, I agreed and stayed another year, and watched as the next 3 assistants suffered!

  127. This is an interesting question that made me sit here for a while and try to think of my worst job. I haven't really had one. I was in the Air Force for 8 years and had a few crummy people to work for, but nothing really horrible. I quit the AF because I hated to wear the silly hat. Thanks for the contest.

  128. Taco Bell.
    Need I say more?
    Gross. Mean. Rude. Left after four hours, they asked if I wanted my paycheck or my pants.

  129. I had the world's best job until I got a new boss.
    Everything turned to hell. I would work 80 hour weeks and get emails asking "Why are we paying you for 40 hours?" She had to know what I was doing every minute of every day. When I was on vacation thousands of miles away and the building's air conditioning leaked, I got a phone call demanding that I do something about it. Finally she tried to fire my husband who also worked there but accidentally sent the email to me instead of human resources, so she fired me too. And everybody else eventually. After I was gone she split my job into two positions. She is on her third person since me in one of them and her second in the other. Wonder who the real problem is....

  130. My worst job was at a donut shop. Dang, the woman who worked there yelled at EVERYONE who showed up to work that summer the first day, and she couldn't seem to help being a snotty jerk. I stuck around the entire summer, then thankfully went back to college with my paycheck and a chip on my shoulder.

  131. Worked at a bank with snobby people who had way more money than me--got pregnant and got to stay home with my twin boys!

  132. I worked at a group home as a manager where they could not keep staff, especially 3rd shifters. So, most weeks I had to work days as a manager going to meetings, etc. and then cover nights too because there were no staff. Plus on my days off I got called in to take residents to the ER. This happened frequently. I rarely slept and missed 5 months of my baby daughter's life during this job. Luckily I found a great job after 5 months and was able to quit.


  133. I was a Forestry Aid when I was a teenager!
    I was the only girl.......and no tree ever seemd big enough when I need to pee!
    It was nasty hard labor & ever day I came home & passed out !
    It was filty, had to put up with snakes & spiders & bugs.
    A a bout 6 months I got Poison Oak & Ivy at the same time & had to quit.
    I had it so bad I was put in the hospital for a week because I got an infection.
    Long story short~~~~~~~~Hated it!

  134. Once when I lived in SoCal, I got a second evening job at a Persian Pastry shop, what I didn't know was that someone had quit early that morning. The main worker there, a middle aged Persian lady was very mad, and aggravated, type of loser. Sheesh, I finished my shift at ten pm, and never came back for my pay! Here's my sc.rim email: s...@h...l.com

  135. I follow you on google. =] s...@h...l.com

  136. My worst job was being a secretary/administrative assistant at a real estate development company, The higher-ups were rude and greedy, and I quit after about 6 months.


  137. a dark dreary nursing home.I worked 2 nights and quit 4 many reasons.masonsgranny59@yahoo.com


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