
Back to Work

So I gave you my list of things we were suppose to do on our 9 glorious days off Happy to say we did them ALL YAY us Sad to say It took all 9 days UGH at home vacations suck No not really it was nice to be off and do things right and not rush But now I am back to work and like totally forgot everything I am suppose to be an expert at being second level support Oh well


I have been at my new job a year Woot You know what that means VACATION A whole week We are taking an at home vacation this year Because we are poor LOL Anyway here is a list of things we need to get done Clean house Move Mom in Fix the gutters (because they are going to drop our home owners if we dont) I wonder why it took them 8 years to notice the gutters had fallen down? Oh well I wonder where the Adams Family gets their insurance Hmm I will keep you posted on if and when we get any of those things done

I'll Help

My mom is moving in with us YAY We decided since we are both stupid in debt if she moves she can save money and I can get rent woohoo! So we are cleaning things out of my house to make room for her While loading truck I fell off porch and did this.. It's not broken but I did tear a tendon or something Same foot I put the toothpick in earlier this year This is what it looks like now Everyone at work said she pushed me off the porch because I was after her pension LOL Anyway needless to say since I am now all gimpified she is helping me more than I was helping her Guess everyone else will have to help her move hehe

Yay Sales

Going to be a Gamma soon January We went to a bunch of garage sales today and you cant believe the deals we got We found Bedding 5 $ Stroller  10$ Swing  5$ Bouncing Chair 6$ Diaper Bag 1$ Changing pads a whole bag 1$ Wipes Warmer 5$ Can you believe it God Bless the USA

Love Goggles

Do you all know what love goggles are? It is when you look at someone and love them they look beautiful I have a friend who went through major weight loss surgery She lost 150 pounds and is thrilled She is dating Going to meet ups in her city Going to dances Going on walks Whatever She is living life large No pun intended The thing that bothers me Not about her I am happy for her She was really big so even after her wieght loss she has 50 pounds on me easy We are the same height She feels beautiful I feel like a fat ass wtf It really is about how you feel about yourself isnt it? I think we should all take a lesson from her Lets get out there and love ourselves Lets all put our love goggles on when we look in the mirror

True love

She loves him to pieces He tolerates her Poor Sophie LOL


So I am broke again Big suprise Actually was a couple unexpected expenses this time The daughter needed some money to make rent It was that or let them move in OMG here is some money! Kid I kid I love my kids They could move in if they had too we wouldnt mind. That is what family is for right? Then I got the cat declawed as she thinks its fun to scratch me and watch me bleed I also got her spaded because I use to watch the Price is Right What is it with prices now? I am always under bidding and Drew Cary lost all that weight but his head is still huge? Yet another reason I shouldnt lose too much weight I dont want to look like a bobble head! Anywho .....that cost a bit more then I thought it would so came up short No worries I will sell my treasures I went to sell my xbox and my Son in law said I could get more for it at Gamestop Yay Cash and GO Then I found out that the cord that came with it is some jacked up piece of crap that is slowly killing it and they wont b