
Touched by an Angel

This is such a hard time of the year for me. I posted a entry yesterday joking how I am down because I have no one to dress up for Halloween but that is only part of it. That is me joking my way out of a blue mood. I hate this time of year Its getting cold Another summer has come and gone and I didn’t get super fit like I said I would Daylight hours get shorter Fall taxes are due End of year taxes are going to be due soon. Christmas expenses are coming up. My birthday is coming up and I am going to be older There are so many things to get depressed over and whine about if I really wanted too. Normally I do get the blues this time of year. I don’t any more though. Because two years ago my friend lost her dear little boy to a tragic accident Read the story here. You can read a poem I wrote about witnessing her grief here. You can see his memorial here http://cayden.huels.muchloved.c...

Best in Show

I miss having a little one for Halloween Being the conceited diva mom that I am, Halloween gave me a chance to show off my cleverness, imagination, and awesome crafting skills. Unfortunately my little diva wanted to be whatever was freaking popular or girly that year. Things like A princess A cheerleader A Fairy Disney princess of the year (Jasmine, Areil, Belle) BORING! But you have to make them happy right? What is a creative genius like yours truly to do? Thankfully her best friend was the youngest of four. Her mom was tired and they all went as hobos each year. The girls BFF would let me dress her as I pleased. YAY! I got to dress her as An Awesome pirate( we just love Pirates of Caribbean that year) A scary wolf ( went with riding hood and grandma costumes) A computer bug A crayon A big baby Another year, I got to dress my own mom up as an IPHONE Sadly, it was for a contest at the bingo hall and all the oldies kept asking her if she was a calculator. Such fun! Sadly though this y...


I have just signed up to do a few reviews on my site Things that might interest my readers But mainly things that interest me YAY me I am using this site here blog advertising

Housing Slump

They say the housing slump is over in my adopted town. I am having trouble believing it. This cute home has been on the market for a while now with no bites. Look how lovely her landscaping is Its on a gorgous street. Nice and quiet, manicured lawns and well cared for homes. A great place to raise your kids. Such a puzzle why no one has made an offer yet. Unless, Its this house that is right next door. Does anyone even live there? This neglected yard that obviously has no love? Yes of course someone lives there! This is my house! I dont get why my neighbors are selling? I dont understand why people are not flocking to buy it and live next door to me. LOL Do you? Maybe I can talk hubby into just running over them with the riding mower this weekend. It couldn't hurt

All Work and No Play

Makes Goober sad

Nanna Knew

When I introduced my sweet hubby to my grandparents 20 years ago, he was a bit horrified how they talked with one another. They had been married almost 50 years at the time, and during dinner while Grandma was talking to my sweet love, Grandpa said loudly and rudely "Push your glasses up!" Grandma did, and carried on with her story without missing a beat. When we were young newlyweds a new show was on fox called Married with Children. A huge hit. We didnt get it. Why didnt Al want to make love to Peggy? Why didnt she want to cook for the man who allowed her to stay at home with her kids. Why didnt Peg want to cook for her kids or keep a nice home? Well dear internet its is now almost 24 years later and I noticed over the weekend the hubby and I say things to each other on a daily basis we would not have dreamed of a two and half decades ago. Things said this weekend by one or both of us listed below: Stop picking. You @sshole. Could you turn that sh*t down? What the h#ll did ...

Saturday Drive By

Something different today. I filmed a quick drive by of my adopted town Mayberry You can see all the lovely homes, how close they are packed together and all the huge trees I am always yammering about. Its really windy so the sound quality is terrible Let me know if you see a house you would like more pictures of and I will try and feature it on a Tuesday around Town entry Also, you get to hear me yammering in the back ground and yes I do sound that silly in real life.