
Who You Gonna Call?

Last week we were poor for a couple days. Waiting for Gammas check to come in. (lol kidding ......kind of) I had two visa gift cards I could still use. I had 62.00 left on one and 50.00 on the other. Yay Giving Gamma the 50 dollar one we rushed off to the store to buy food. The convo on the way went like this. Me: Don't go over now, it is only worth 50.00 dollars. Her: Well sh$t, I should have brought my calculator. Me: It's alright I have my iphone. Her: Who the hell you going to call? Everyone we know is broke. Me: No it has a calculator on it. Her: Oh, well now I feel stupid and broke. Me: YAY So true, so very true PS She swears I said phone and not iphone and thats why she didn't get it. We wont push that or she will feel as if she is broke, stupid and deaf. Fun!

Big Fat Lies

Sometimes you think you would like to lose weight to feel better. Sometimes you delude yourself into thinking a few pounds never hurt anyone. But you know you are fat when: You work up a sweat when doing your hair and make up All the tied bows of your shoes are on the side. (crossing legs to reach them) All your jeans have ripped belt loops (from using them to pull them up) You spend a half hour trying to find your fat jeans on your bloated days and realize you have them on. The belt loops are torn off them. You wonder if you can buy an antiperspirant for under your boobs You got excited hearing they make a cream that prevents skin damage from your thighs rubbing together You ask your skinny friend what she has in her pocket and realize it her hip bone You do the parade wave so your underarms dont jiggle as much People ask you if you lost weight because your face looks thinner. You would never dream of getting on a scale unless you were naked and went to toilet first. You wish you coul...

Tuesdays Around Town

Today's Tuesday isnt homes but more landscaping. I love what this lady did to her yard What a great place to live! Imagine growing up a child in this yard First you would have to fight your way through the wild jungle battling tigers and lions and bears, oh my. Then you would stumble upon this hidden path.......Lots of dragons to defeat along the way. Which leads to a magical gate, I am sure you have to know the secret word to pass through. After the long journey you would have to fight off the troll who lives under the bridge and then you could converse with the fairies until you dozed off in the afternoon sun. All until the Good Witch of the House called you in and told you it was time for dinner :) Fun!

What You Say Will Be Held Against You

Had a garage sale on Friday and Saturday. I love people watching and interacting and lots of funny things happened I will share my two fav with you dear internet. Man:How much is this? Me: Ten dollars Man:Does it work Me Yes of course Man:This? and this does it work? Me You bet Man Will you take 15 for both of them Me: Erm yes, that one is marked 10 the other 5 so that would be 15. Man:Well .......shit......' Me: So the girl got married Neighbor: Yeah I heard thats so nice. Me: He took our last name. Neighbor: Really? Me: Yeah, well he was a smith, it not like that hard to give up is it? Customer: Hey I am a Smith..... Me: See what I mean you cant turn around with out spitting on one. LOL Anyway, it was great fun and we made lots of money I dont think I will be having one for a few years though.

Feeling Down, Click These They Me Laugh

click here to play: "1. Sex On Fire - Kings Of Leon 2. Crazy - Gnarls Barkley 3. Charity Case - Gnarls Barkley 4. Common People - Pulp 5. I Will Buy You A New Life - Everclear 6. Glad Tidings - Van Morrison 7. Into The Mystic - Van Morrison 8. If I Had $1,000,000 - Barenaked Ladies 9. I Will Survive - Cake 10. Life On A Chain - Pete Yorn"

Not Spoiled

This is our day bed This is where goober thinks he should lay with his toys No he isnt spoiled Not at all

Tuesdays Around Town

Finally See I didnt forget you dear internet. I have been busy getting a yard sale around, but more on that later. This first picture is of the monster trees I mentioned before. Look how big and ominous they are ready to tumble down on our heads. I like them though This is the view from my side yard. This house here is right across from my bank on a busy street I dont know if I could keep up with a brick home Are they high maintenance? Do you have to do anything special? Doesnt the grout crumble away? This next one I like it as it looks like a huge old victorian but its right on the corner of a busy intersection. It has absolutely ZERO yard and I cant imagine getting out of the drive way. I wonder what it looked like when they built it originally Maybe it was a huge plot with monster trees all over. Finally this one just down the road from me. Another one that would make a great local haunted house Maybe its the iron fence I would love to grow old in this house and have like 20 cats. S...