
Showing posts from June, 2011

No Lectures please

I am a smoker So lets get all this out of way Yes its bad for me Yes its bad for those who love me Yes I should quit Yes it is gross MM kay I know that ok I am also fat you wanna lecture me on that too That isnt what this post is about Its about OMG We bought a cig roller LOL Cranking out our own cigs You can buy tobacco filter cig tubes make a carton of cigs for like 9 bucks Holy Crap Thats like saving 35 a carton and since hubby smokes too and we go through say 3 a week thats like oodles of money What should I buy with my new found funds Maybe alcohol and drugs HAHA I kid kinda Anyway no lectures please you will just make me want to smoke more and eat faster

Say What?

I call this picture Sure why not? Me: Do you want to grill these ribs or you want me to bake them Him What ME Do you want to grill these ribs or bake em Him Do I want to play gorilla games? ME Yes hon do you want to play gorilla games ME After all it is Father's day Him Yah I guess, I have never played it before Me I am sure it will be fun


Yes this is what we plan on doing all day Why do you ask?

Never mind

I work doing support for a well known device I cant post it here so lets call it a widget  Any whoooo I do whats called level 2 support That is when the first support agent cant help you and they escalate you and you get a call back  from an EXPERT That would be me EEK I know Sometimes we can fix them sometimes they go up even higher But we always call them back to try get more details do more troubleshooting and a lot of the time I can fix them Sometimes I look at the ticket and KNOW I can fix them I love those as I am all like Hi I am Tammy from Widget support and I understand you have a problem with blah  If you just do this I think we can resolve it I love those But the other day I had one that went like this ME Happy spew  HIM Never mind ME I am sorry are you still having the issue HIM Yeah Never mind ME I am pretty sure I can fix it if you just allow me to walk you through a couple things  HIM Never mind my wife left me and took the widget with her. ME.......

No One Wants to Talk to YOU

So my mom went to CVS and saw two women she use to work with She hurried and ducked down another aisle  Thinking I hope they didnt see me But then she turned down the next aisle came right up on them and heard one say God I hope she didnt see us The other one said Yah I know So my Mom did just what I would have done  and said HI HOW ARE YOU hahaha  so funny