Who You Gonna Call?

Last week we were poor for a couple days. Waiting for Gammas check to come in. (lol kidding ......kind of) I had two visa gift cards I could still use. I had 62.00 left on one and 50.00 on the other. Yay Giving Gamma the 50 dollar one we rushed off to the store to buy food. The convo on the way went like this. Me: Don't go over now, it is only worth 50.00 dollars. Her: Well sh$t, I should have brought my calculator. Me: It's alright I have my iphone. Her: Who the hell you going to call? Everyone we know is broke. Me: No it has a calculator on it. Her: Oh, well now I feel stupid and broke. Me: YAY So true, so very true PS She swears I said phone and not iphone and thats why she didn't get it. We wont push that or she will feel as if she is broke, stupid and deaf. Fun!