
Showing posts from 2012

Stupid Arse

So I had a nice thanksgiving But in the excitement of making a  huge hallmark type meal I forgot??blew off ? daily BM So when I went Friday my arse blew up ! Out? I know people don't talk of such things  But oh my god Hemmorrhoids ! Wtf  How terrible 7 days of it Nothing helps  You can't walk or sit or sneeze or cough or bend over  A hot bath helps  But good luck getting in and out of tub  Good luck trying to pee when it feels like you got stick up ya I guess it's like sneezing with eyes open  Can't do it  Good luck trying work  Good luck not blowing your head off  Good luck trying to keep your family from hating you because all you do is bitch and whine  I know I'm a big baby Anywhoooo  I am better   And I am thankful for being able to sit   And bend over   Walk upright  And sneeze without sobbing afterwards   Yay   How was your holiday?

Gobble Gobble

To get you in the mood.....


Next time I complain about Sophie and Goober annoying me I will watch this video

Fun Observations

So Chicago was not near as stressful as I thought it would be It was a great hotel great view and the food was fantastic Training was way over my head of course but managed to make it through and I might have learned a thing or two Is it learned or learnt? I guess I will have to learn that too! I posted a view of our room. You can see we had a great room. Right in heart of things We could watch all the tourists and observe all the traffic. Things I discovered while there: I am horribly out of shape I walk too slow, city dwellers walk with a purpose dammit get out of the way Everyone dresses nicer than me Everyone has better hair than me Also All fat people use the same "I need to rest "tricks: Stopping to look at sites, (leaning on bridges, fences, standing staring up at skyline with hands on hips) Bending over to tie shoes Stopping to pretend to readjust bags etc. Stopping to take pics Good tricks fellow chubsters but once I noticed us all doing th

Windy City

My job is sending me to do training in Chicago 4 Days paid hotel 3 Days training We are taking the train Should be fun I even went shopping and bought outside clothes Well that's a lie My mom bought them for me Well that's a bigger lie she charged them for me Thanks Mom! I even tried on clothes that were too big and had to go down a size WIN! I am such a home body and venturing outside I am all EEEEEE what 50000 things can go wrong. Instead (Starting now) I am going to be all WEEEEEE Im going to Chicago I promise to blog about it when I get home

Let it Die Already

Another month and only one post I should let this blog die already But...I cant Even if I ignore it shamelessly, don't give it any attention, forget it is there...kind of like my friends and extended family. Hi Friends! Hi Family! I still love you thanks for not giving up on me Before the economic collapse, depression, recession, slow down what ever you want to call it I worked all the time because OMG all that money I also did a lot more things out side of the home because OMG lets spend all the money Now I am poor and work all the time and OMG I need money So what do I do I work I watch a lot of tv I work I babysit my grandson every other weekend (The whole weekend, well last week we packed his crabby ass up and took him home early but anyway, how awesome a Grandma am I?)*actually not that great if my mom wasn't here helping I couldn't do it. I cook and eat OMG do I eat Big fat ass I am starting myfitnesspal today.( Its pretty

Whats going on

What's going on never blog... Hmm Let's see Grandson I am loving being a Grandma He is adorable We watch him over weekends a lot Its amazing to watch him learn grow, did our kids grow that fast? I don't remember Work My job has changed so much in the last 6 months From phones to reporting to analytics to OMG I don't know what I am doing! Can I learn it? Turns out I can..... most times Job security though? I don't know. I have seen people smarter than I am, people that seem to work harder than I do ..get let go. Or maybe they didn't work harder or maybe they weren't smarter I don't know I really like what I am doing but... Its a yay another paycheck type thing because who knows how long that will last  Money I'm so broke.... so poor I hate it I miss casinos, shopping, traveling,  probably why I am broke Because as you can see that's what I did when I had money  Family life That's always good I like havin


Drake 6 months old He is so fun

What a Grandma

Discussing random picture on our facebook feed......... Daughter: Did you see that one picture? The way the light hits her she looks disoriented and confused. Me: Oh so they  look like the baby? Daughter: Yah I guess Me: LOL  hes funny, he always looks confused Me Where am I, Who are you, What is that, I'm confused! Daughter: That's because he is. Me: I know it's great Daughter Yeah I guess What a Grandma Right?


Mom lives here now She cant hear Hubby has worked in factory all his life He cant hear So all I get now when I speak Are stupid looks or a What? Then I have to yell Followed by.... Why you yelling are you mad LOL No I am not mad But going mad Im gonna practice talking loudly and sounding happy I mean stage actors do it all time right?


My daughter is kind of getting internet famous on you tube She posted a lets play the sims video and it got thousands of hits 60 k or something So she posts one once a week or so Me being nosy I was all what do you do what is it I wanna be on it so here it is Basically I learnt nothing But you can hear how my daughter and I banter back and forth She cracks me up


I never blog as much as I use too I think its because I would only blog when something in my life made me laugh I am still laughing a lot But its just at my new Grandson I dont want to be one of those blogs that yammer on about their kids or grandkids Boring but on a side note Here is my Grandson in his new Bumbo HA Isnt he cute

Tag Team Gammas

We had the baby for two nights! Woot Me Hubby and Mom So we basically tagged teamed the poor baby It was a lot of fun He is a lot of work though He was awake allll day and no real naps but he did sleep all night He would wake up once to eat then right back to sleep What a good baby I dont think his backside hit any thing but our laps the entire two days Do you want him? I got him I can take him Let me take him Do you got it Back and forth Gamma Great Gamma Gampa What a spoiled baby! What fun! We took a ton of pics Ill post some later Changed him so many times we had to wash all his clothes on day two We also ran out bought him new clothes, washed those and changed him some more. Gave him a bath and changed him so much we almost ran out of diapers LOL He went home one sleepy baby Cant wait to do it again

Stop messing with me

The new xbox has a touch sensitive on off switch Since it took me forever to get it hooked up to work properly, its still lying on the floor cables all over and not in the entertainment center. I love it I watch lots of netflix zune vudu etc. The other night I was watching Fraiser Side note isnt he hilarious? some favourite quotes from the show. Frasier: I'm at a loss for words.  Kate: Wouldn't you know? On the day I'm leaving Frasier: I'm not chicken. I'm just really hesitant Frasier: (looks at watch)  Martin: I saw that!  Frasier: I'm not bored, I was simply wondering how long we've been sitting here enjoying ourselves. Anywho......the xbox keeps powering on and off on and off Im dinking with the wireless remote  clicking click click click Its the dog Lying  on the floor He keeps stretching, and his pad would touch the power button on and off on and off  LOL

Stop taking my Pic

Doesn't he look annoyed lol


I know everyone thinks their grandbaby is CUTE But......... Isnt he CUTE!!!!


The girl is struggling being a new mom I think she is doing great We went over for a few hours so she could get a nap in Later she said I really have a lot of respect for you now. Now? Now you do? Yes how did you do this when you and daddy were alone in Germany? Oh that raising a baby with no friends or family around for two years in a country we didn't speak the language? Yes! How did you do it? I cried a lot and Daddy was a big help. He cried a lot too Lol So see she is doing fine


Him Hurry our show is starting Me: I am just taking care of the leftovers Him Hurry up Me: Running in I didnt want those left overs to go to waste Him Did you eat them? Me Bahahahaha you are so lucky I am not PMSing or that would not have made me laughed Him I know

Worth the Wait

Here he is 9.3 oz Jan 5th My Grandson I remember watching my girl get married and thinking...They are going to make beautiful babies I was right Happy baby Look at all his hair!

Wheres the Baby

On its way so they say WEEEEE Call me Grandma No wait that sounds old Gamma? Nanna? MeMaw? Aww I dont care just cant wait