
Ten Signs to Quit

It has been over a year since I quit my day job and went with my at home business and I have never been happier. I like to joke that I quit my job a year before I left which is not fair to my past employer. Here are 10 Signs that you should quit your day job. You visualize sticking a pencil in the eye of a coworker every time you hear her fake booming laugh You thow quarters in the mens urinal just to see them disapeer within an hour You come in a half hour late take an extra half hour during lunch and leave an hour early You secretly hope each summons to the bosses office is your dismissal You never check your voice mail You never read your email You start throwing things away rather than file them and wonder when anyone will notice (sadly no one does) You havent done your job properly in so long you have to ring tech support because you forgot your log ins You dont know a coworker was on a two week vacation until they bring in pictures. You cry on Mondays. If any

Walk this way.

I had to go to the court house to pay our property tax I took my mother with me so I would look doubly sad trying to struggle to pay my property tax late Poor me Taking care my poor mother Poor me dont I look sad and pathetic? They were nice anyway and didnt care I paid late Then they told me about some silly exemption that I wasnt aware existed would reduce my taxes by 1k a year and gave me some magical pink paper to apply. 20 years I have been paying 1000 dollars too much 20 years! Now who is the pathetic one? Anywho, I think our courthouse is lovely All this marble for such a little town and the vaulted ceiling We took the elavator up because mom said no way could she take those stairs. She headed for the stairs to go down on way out. Me: Dont you want to take the elavator Her: Oh no going down is easy Her: Ooooof, ugh. as she stumbles down two stairs catching herself Me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg that is hilarious Me: I am going to pee my pants Her: Shut up M


Easter dinner was lovely But, whenever the family gets together we have to go on and tell the stories. Course we always laugh as it is quite comical I love my family They are all so funny and the best trait amongts them is we can laugh at ourselves It's a good thing because when my brother and I get together we always start in on my mom. This year she said we always laughed at her when she tried to discipline us. Her: I dont know why you always laughed it would make me so mad. Me: Thats because all you would do is yell, Stop looking stupid. Bro: No sometimes she would yell Stop being stupid. Me: Or tell you to Get your thumb out of your ARSE. Bro: She get mad if you laughed too. Me: I guess it made us look stupid. Bro: No I think it made her look stupid is why she got mad. Her: Oh dont be stupid. LOL Either way, she was hilarious. And yes I do on occasion, still look stupid.

Where is it?

I love my adopted town I have said it lots of times before on this blog I love how quaint and silly the lifers are that grew up here. I have lived all over and really feel at home in a city. I would never have conversations like I do here in my smallish community Convos like this: School paper arrives home for girl years ago in show choir. Time Date and location Location was: Meet behind the old jail. WTH? So I call the school Where is this? Behind the old jail. I dont know where the new jail is have you an address It is kitty korner to the Kruse building Are you serious? Yes you know the Kruse building! I didnt know you named your buildings silence......... Dont you have a street Addy It's the NW corner off Main So it's on Main? No the Kruse building is on Main Seriously?? I need a street addy or we wont be there. Hold on........... Finally some janitor got on and gave me an addy. But Isnt that just so cute?

Happy Easter


Wish me Luck

I am off to the tax man

Spring means Rebirth

Lovely spring Signs of life everywhere! But here, dear internet is the ultimate symbol of rebith My mother picked these up for me from her doctors office. Arent they lovely? Daffodils are the official flower of the American Cancer Society Be sure and buy some when you see them for sale. They gave these to her at her last Oncologist's appointment. They also said she is in remission. Everything is great and she could live to be 82 Rebirth indeed We are truly blessed Say a prayer of thanks with me friends and hug your loved ones or love your hugged ones Whatever makes you happy Life is great Enjoy!!