
Assisting the Elderly

The Year before last, we went on a wonderful cruise After the semi-formal dinner, we started drinking pretty heavy and ended up in the night club on the top deck It was filled with 20 somethings. We looked rather silly there but after a few drinks it didnt seem to matter as much. One of the songs they played was Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake Since my hubby refused to dance with me to that crap and I was feeling all sorts of Awesome Couger like, I got up on the floor alone. Pretty soon, this lovely twenty something young man joined in with me. Grinding Bumping Bouncing off my sexy back. But....(no pun intended) Wth That song is so long I was getting winded, out of breath,flushed, breathing hard and not the good way. After the song was over,FINALLY,I turned around patted him on the chest and said Thank you so much for dancing with me. Like a Grandma Like I wasnt just letting him dry hump me two minutes ago Thank you so much for dancing with me..........pat pat...

Goober Says

It's flipping cold out! Let me in woman! LOL He has a pet door off the enclosed porch and in the summer he can come and go as he pleases, but in the winter he tends to freak out the main door is shut. That is his slobber and scratches on the window. And no dear internet I dont leave him out there long at all, but I am bored today so I had to snap this picture before letting him in.

Goober Says

That it is a European bag not a purse

Empty Headed

I am coming up dry on blog entries I could blog about what a great Christmas I had, but all my Christmas’s have been great. Rich or poor it is a magical time of year and I love everything about it. Some years I haven’t gotten in the spirit until the last minute, but come Christmas day I always feel blessed with my family and friends. I could list my New Year’s Resolutions but I will just refer you to last year’s or the years before or the year before, you get the idea. So yes very boring charmed life I know. Although, to be honest my life is not charmed, I just am one of those annoying optimistic types that never complain. What is the point anyway, besides to make others around you miserable too? If not miserable at least it makes people who really care about you worried and the ones that don’t really care and are just tolerating you bored, amused or appalled. So what do you think dear internet? Is this a good out look to have on life? I can say for me in my getting oh so

Honey Don't List

I know there are a lot of wives who have Honey Do Lists I had never heard of this phenomenon until I worked with a bunch of men They would go on how they got some things off the honey do list done over the weekend. I remember when I heard what it was, that it seemed silly These are grown men why do they have to have their wives tell them what to do I have never been one to nag or tell a grown man to fix things he knows are broken. They all assured me that it helps, so I thought I would give it a go. I put three things on a list Simple things Hubby was off work for a week for a week so three seemed a good start. Convo below Me: Did you do anything on that list Him What list Me The honey do list Him what Me Remember I wrote down three things you could do on your week off Him Oh yah I buried that wire in yard Me What wire Him That one you said Goober dug up Me That wasn’t even on the list. Me You used your foot Me You were holding a beer at the same time Him Yah Him

Goober is a Bed Hog

Yes that is me yammering snorkling cackling in the background

Adventures in Typos

Adventures in Typos On msn Me: I bought Hubby a magnifying glass for his sock Her  :What? Me: You know a magnifying glass so he can see Me: It's hard getting old cant see anymore Me: He can use it in garage Me: He has one in house but he always coming in to get it for garage so now he have one out there Me: It's 5 x oh and it lights up Her: Erm did you say you got him a magnifying glass for his “#$#”ock (rhymes with sock) Me What? No his sock, his Christmas stocking Her OMG ME LOL