
Cookie Monster

Hubby and I went on a litte errand run together We went to the ATM Got Gas Swung by CVS to pick up essentials Milk, Diet Mountain Dew,and Beer I meant essential to us not everyone haha Anywho during the fray of grabbing our crap so he could hurry and get home and get a beer I snuck in a bag of Milano Cookies on the counter The Cashier scanned and bagged them right away I dont think he even noticed She then rang up rest asked for his CVS card and ID Why oh why do we have to have those dumb retail cards Anywhooo All is good and lady still has my cookies in the bag out of reach everyone is grinning Hubby has hands full waiting to bolt out door with his cargo Lady grinning and I had to go ummmmm Could I have my cookies please Oh your cookies! You dont want to forget your cookies! I was going to keep them I love those kind of cookies! Those are my favourite cookies. Here you go. God sometimes I hate people


Again? Snow sleet Ice Its driving me crazy! I need to see some sunshine soon

Shut up and Blog

Ive noticed something. When something interesting happens to ME, my friends and family ask me if I am going to blog about it And I am all like um no I am telling you about it now You should blog about it blink blink Is this a new way to say shut up just write it down and I will read it later Or maybe they like the way I blog things and find it amusing Maybe the story is so freaking fantastic they think i should write it and share it with the WORLD Oh no Could it be my blog is boring and they are making suggestions That would be a much better story then the crap you normally blog about. Either way Per request The Toothpick I stepped on a toothpick Well really I lumbered my big arse down the stairs a toothpick was stuck on rug standing straight up and I impaled my foot on a toothpick I promptly was all WTH and lots of cussing Since half of it was sticking out of my foot I tried to pry it out with my hand No go Then I used tweezers It was in there too deep wouldnt b...

Happy Valentines Day

Make your sweetie take you out to dinner It will be fun lol

I want

OMG Seriously? Dont you just want one for your own. Article is here

I am not Addicted

I love how I can convince myself that I have no vices No addictions These are all personal choices Not because I have too I enjoy smoking It relaxes me That works fine until you find yourself standing in the alley behind a non smoking building next to the dumpster in the pouring rain Same thing on my Doc prescribed meds I can take them or leave them That is until I am out and have a mental melt down Or swell up because I havent taken bp meds in three days CHOICE Its all my choice people LOL But last night.......... After being snowed in for 4 days No sweets in house Well anyway let me explain..... My daughter made my SIL a decorative mason jar containing all the ingredients for choco chip cookies in it The Choco chips were on the top which I promptly ate Then I bought another bag and filled it up and ate those too but then........... Stranded today inside snowed in no sweets. I noticed some chips had fallen throughout the jar So of course.... I strained them...


Been watching Radar a lot because we are in the middle of a blizzard warning One of my friends posted this on face book Which I promptly stole to share with you