
Family Discussions Everyone Should Have

The kids came over Saturday It was a fun visit I love it when they visit. They were showing me how to use an xbox But while they were showing me all the features I saw you could get movies on demand through Netflix So I was all like lets watch movies NOW No dont show me anymore features MOVIES NOW! Anyway we were watching Zombie land At one point I said If I ever get bit by a zombie would you....YES was the reply Yes we will shoot you in the head Don't worry Then I think they argued over who would get to do it I am not really sure because I was laughing too hard AWWWW  Family got to love them

F.U. Pay ME

There is a scene in the movie Goodfellas that always makes me laugh Business is slow? F.U. Pay me Kids in college? F.U. Pay me. I dont remember it line for line but basically it is all Who cares Pay ME! But...... Did you know..... When bill collectors call If you hesitate.......... They start to negotiate Things like.... You can post date the check.... Then they say oh it cost such and such for the pay by check fee Hesitate again they waive it...... Hesitate some more they will waive the late fee.... hmm isnt that nice to know :)


Things are going well I am very happy today So really the only thing one can say is YAY what a great day Hope you are doing well too internet

Where is Gamma?

I call this picture  shameless affiliate link My mom got herself a kindle and instead of buying books I hooked her kindle up to my account so she can read my library I have like 185 books on mine I havent spent any time with her in a week Then when she did come over she had her kindle in her purse I caught her reading it while I was talking and being amusing. I got replies like MMM HMMMM Neat! Oh Really! Hmm if it wasnt so cool that my mom is all techy and has a ebook reader now, I would be offended. Anyway she loves it she likes it because its lightweight,and you can make the font HUGE! If you want to know what to buy your parents for xmas I would recommend getting them one They have really went down in price too

Eastdown and off key

This show on HBO called Eastbound and Down is about a baseball player who loses his game After being rich and famous he is back home living with his brother teaching PE at a school in his former home town. Poor, forgotten, but not down at least in his own mind. He is still convinced he will be back on top The only thing he has left from his glory days is his jet ski which he takes out when times get bad to get his head together. I do the same thing in my sports car Top down Music blaring I go fast down two lane country roads singing as loud as I can My mom called and my voice was so hoarse she thought I was crying LOL But no I am just doing my own Eastdown and out but I do mine louder and off key

Tammy's Theory of Relativity

Having been accused of being mean, I like this cartoon. Maybe I am mean I prefer to think of myself as a sarcastic wit. But you know it's all relative to me of course LOL  I am going to try and not be so  funny,charming,sarscastic,honest,mysel f at least for awhile Sounds boring to me though  Don't tell anyone dear internet for all my being mean I am really a softy and I hate how people see right through me.

Here Kitty Kitty

I havent blogged this week because I have been kind of sad Our cat has gone missing Her collar the one with the bell on it had come off the day before and I didnt get her a new one. The next day she came up missing My daughter was over and went door too door with a picture but no one has seen her I called the shelters and vets in area no help. I put an advert in the paper and the few times the phone has rung I answer it with my hopes up high. People are calling to offer me their unwanted cat People are calling to offer me their unwanted kittens One called to scold me for letting her out Another called to say she saw a couple dead cats on the road and although they didnt match my cats description she is probably dead and I should have never let her outside. All I can say is. What is wrong with people Dont call an advert for a missing pet unless you think you have found her Save us some more grief please Either way I am going to think some other family adopted her A famil...