
Showing posts from July, 2010

That's not my Name

First off, I love this song I know it is too young for me really but it is quite catchy I am terrible with using names So everyone I know has a nickname Boo=hubby Gamma =mom Geeb(hard G)=daughter Goob=goober the dog FRIEND(always in caps)=my friend What about you dear internet You have any weird nicknames for your friends and family

Slow Down

(I call this pic, Not our IceCream guy) Remember those hot summer lazy days of your childhood? The ice cream truck? I love the icecream truck But ours.... WTH? I know we dont have any kids on my street anymore We are all old slow asses But this guy He flies down our street Probably to get to the trailer court where the real money is Which is fine I am a capatalist I understand speeding down the street to get to a destination I mean I have a sports car I get it. Physics says your tires will squeal if you turn when you are going that fast I get that too BUT..... If you are going to go flying down my street with no thought of stopping Could you shut your music off? That's all I am saying

Fortunate Find

Mom may not always be able to find her Glasses Pills Keys Purse Shoes Bills Tax papers Parked car But she did find the itty bitty crown that broke off my front tooth that cost 1000.00 to replace. YAY MOM! and this is todays fortune just weird

Final Answer

I had a phone call today and normally I dont answer any calls I dont recognize on the caller id but this one said Gallup Poll Organization. Wow! Really? I can be one of those people when they say recent Gallup polls indicate ..... YAY! Some of the questions though, I dont know. Is it good if the poll taker trying to sound all professional keeps busting out laughing? Here are a few questions that got her giggling and I thought my answers quite proper and professional. Did you eat 5 servings of fruits and vegatables yesterday Erm No But I ate at least 5 times. On a Scale of 1 to 10 economy wise how would you rate your life now 7 Where do you expect it to be in 5 years A 10, I am an optimist obviously. Would you say you are satisfied or dissastified with the job the president is doing Erm are those my only two choices Yes Erm.....Well it;s like moving in a demolished house and trying to remodel I suppose. No one likes the porta potty but you have t...

Just call me Amy Winehouse

I lost my crown Wahhhhhh I cant find it, help me Mom! Dont worry I am on my way We will find it Wahhh no it's gone Ok lets look here Alright Wahhhh I cant find it either It cost 1000 dollars Hey wait,Hubby is home early Yay I am home early from work WAHHHH in unison I lost my crown Mom cant find it either I will find it Dont worry Wahhh you cant find it either Well.......$hit dear internet It's gone Now I look like a hillbilly Glad I posted my picture of me before I lost my front tooth

Wild Kingdom

Mom comes over to clean and says there is a dead bird on porch Yuck Stupid Cat The cat thinks she is a lion and likes to bring home dinner Usually she leaves it on the porch So I googled what to do and they said to put a bell on her collar So I did Then we went out in kitchen There is a beheaded rabbit on the counter Baby bunny to be exact she not a very big cat After screams and squeals I throw a bag over it pick it up to toss it and EWWWW The leg is detached Puke Hurl Gag Yes this is what I do when I have to pick up something disgusting Or clean out the cat box Or change a diaper Even with my own kid if it was a disgustingly bad one the convo went like this: Aww mommys little geeby goo made a poopoo Runs to toilet GAG HYUK OMG MMMMPH AGGG Stay there mommy be right back!! Dont even get me started on what happened when the kid threw up Lets just say by the time she was 7 she was either making it to toilet or cleaning it up herself because Mom was too busy in ...

Get out of my Room

I gave Goober a bath He is all sweet smelling I thought I would clean out his pen/beddie byes. Things found in Goobers Hidy hole -Potato -Remote control _Tuna can -3 squeakies ripped out of toys -Cough drops -A fork And you thought you were a hoarder

Who are you ?

I have gotten a few inquiries Basically it boils down to Who the H#$ll are you ? Here I am Now you know ;)

Yay I am Back

My name is Tammy and I  am addicted to my Iphone I have been without it for over a week, two weeks, FOREVER and all I can say is OMG I had no idea how much I used it I was constantly reaching for my nonexistent phone to -Check facebook -Read email -Play words with friends -Look up random actors on imbd -Shazam songs i heard on radio/tv -Map garage sales -Play music in my car via radio transmitter -Check bank balances -Text -Take pictures of Goober -Take pictures of Goober and the cat -Look at lol cats -Read books on Kindle Oh yah and sometimes I call someone So now you all know and thank goodness I found a good used one on ebay I am back baby