I type a lot at my at home job Like ...ALOT Anyway I have never had a problem with wrist pain or anything like that. I have kind of always thought the typists who did are lazy,sitting wrong, whiney, you get the picture. Yes I am obnoxious that way. Something wrong with you? YOU must be doing it wrong. Wouldn't I make a great friend? LOL No fear internet karma has bit me in the ARSE My left thumb is like useless My left hand can not have any pressure on it. If I do use it I fall to my knees and scream in pain(ok not really but I could oh yes I could!) I also couldn't open my own medicine bottle Who the heck makes those bottles? I couldn't open the Aspercreme either Is that a sick joke or what, shrink wrapping it and a stupid pull off tab Are you kidding me? Anyway what is really wrong What is so not RIGHT Is I evidently haul my big fat ARSE out of the tub mainly using my LEFT HAND Yes I was stuck in the tub Because my big fat above mentioned arse is too...