I have heard on the news, tabloids, rumors, or something, that Oprah is trying to sue for the copyright of the AHA moment. Evidently she is the only one who has them. But I have had a few of my own. They are life changing moments that I won’t ever forget. I will share one with you because you know….its all about me right? When my darling daughter became school aged, I rejoiced in the freedom. I had been waiting years to get out of my self imposed prison. Yes I stayed at home. Yes it was a noble cause and worth it Keep in mind judgmental readers; we had no internet in those days. I am talking all Wilma Flintstone style doing crafts and what not in order not to go crazy. So when she danced off to school half days, I rejoiced and got a part time job. Dear hubby and I worked separate shifts so he would cart her to school. Dress, bathe, and feed, our precious cargo. But I did not quite let go as easy as that. I laid out her clothes Dictated her hair styles I mandated meals. I passed judgmen...